Your comments

Hi Kebates, 

You can hide these custom property fields using the following Web Resource string on the Appearance page: 

SessionProperty.CustomX.AccessVisible, where X is the number of the custom property (1-4)

Just set the visibility from true to false and they disappear. You have the option of choosing whether they appear on the Support, Meeting, or Access pages. 

Hi Allen, 

You can delete the trigger that creates the notification email on the Trigger tab of the Admin page. This is not housed in the extension settings. 

Hi Eric, 

The iOS app includes the ability to right click. Just long press in the remote window and this mouse action menu will appear. 

Yes, this has been in product since at least 19.0, if not earlier! 

Hi All,

This option is available in release version 19.3. In the appearance tab of the Admin page, search (ctrl+f) for LoginPanel.ForgotPasswordLinkVisible and set the value to false in Custom.

Hi Simon, 

Seems like you might be better served by putting your PS in the toolbox, and triggering the toolbox item. You can set up a triggered toolbox item by adding a Session Event action to your trigger. The EventType is QueuedTool, and the data is the name of the toolbox item. 

Hope this helps!

No worries, you can keep it registered here. This is something we had registered internally. 

Hi ANicolson, 

The option to completely remove the command tab on the host page from some users remains a feature request. I did want to point out, however, that you can limit these users from running commands and deleting commands by removing the RunCommandOutsideSession and RemoveCommandFromSession permissions. 

Hi Chris, 

The message dot is red in other theme colors, like the standard Shell theme. The above appears to be in the Solid with Green theme. At this time the dot color is dictated by the theme color.