Your comments

Hi Toddh, 

The option to include new levels of permission sets, as shown above, was added in 6.9. 

Hi Toddh, 

If you're using a host pass to provide external consultants with access to a specific machine, you can set the permissions to require consent from the remote user. 

Hi cpohts, 

Ideally, we'd like our updates to be seamless and not impact your business. For our own information, are you interested in a change log to see new features, or are you looking out for specific changes that might impact your business?

We do have an output stream that is updated regularly. 

Apologies, thats a bug in the Advanced Configuration Editor that we'll address.

Hi ITtech, 

Can you tell me a little more about your use case? I'm curious about your leaving support sessions open for days.

This is actually already a feature in Control. Using the Advanced Configuration Editor, in App Config quick settings, you can set whether the end session dialog shows up: 



We are currently working on the necessary notaries and signing for Catalina's public release in mid-September. 

Thanks! We'll leave this up in case someone else has the same question. :)

Hi Kebates, 

You can hide these custom property fields using the following Web Resource string on the Appearance page: 

SessionProperty.CustomX.AccessVisible, where X is the number of the custom property (1-4)

Just set the visibility from true to false and they disappear. You have the option of choosing whether they appear on the Support, Meeting, or Access pages. 

Hi Allen, 

You can delete the trigger that creates the notification email on the Trigger tab of the Admin page. This is not housed in the extension settings.