Your comments

Hi Faraz, 

Based on your screenshot, it looks like you might have both the "Remote Diagnostics Toolkit" and "Remote System Diagnostics" extensions installed and enabled. Please double check that you don't have Remote System Diagnostics enabled. 

Remote Diagnostics Toolkit is available for Premium partners, and includes the ability to stop and start services. 

Hope this helps!

Hi MatthewDataserv, 

Can you please explain a little more about your request? Currently you can install an access agent from a support session, but other than that, the Support tab has no knowledge of Access sessions. 



Hi Pa, 

Thanks for the screenshot! That extension is actually an outdated version of the Guest Session Starter, which we no longer support. The updated version of the Guest Session Starter allows guests to start a session from the guest page. Another option is the SOS Deployer, which can be placed on the guest machine's desktop. This extension creates a small executable that your customers can click on in order to request assistance. 

Hope this helps!


Hi Pa, 

We've never had a desktop client - what functionality are you referring to? 


Hi Dave,

You can set up a trigger to send a file from the Toolbox upon connection to a guest -- see the below for the event filter and Session Event action. Make sure to update the Data field to match the name of the toolbox item. 

Check out our trigger documentation for more information!