Your comments

Hi Fred, 

Your enduser should not see the connection banner on their screen when you're in backstage. If you want to disable the connection banner in backstage for your own view, you can do so via the Advanced Configuration Editor - more information here

However, at this time, this will disable the connection banner for all Access or Support sessions, whether or not you're in Backstage. 

Hope this helps!

Ah, sounds like we're talking about our cert here. The cert changed a few months ago, but doesn't often change and is not tied to upgrades or reinstalls. AV vendors have been flagging specific files within our product, separate from anything related to our certs. 

Hi Chris, 

We consider the thumbprint to be the instance thumbprint, which is assigned when the instance is created and does not change with updates or reinstalls. Is there maybe some other thumbprint or identifying number you're thinking of?

This is now in product, and the session group filter reference doc has been updated. 

Hi Andrew, 

Check out this KB article. You can restrict or remove the screenshot preview by security role, or globally remove the screenshot preview. 

Hope this helps!