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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!


Windows 10 client - Improve desktop usage experience

Michael Legato (Support) 9 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 2

Partner is using the Windows 10 app on his phone, tablet, and desktop. The app works very well on the touch screens (phone/tablet), but not so great on the desktop where he uses a physical keyboard/mouse. For example, when he clicks things using the mouse, the on-screen mouse appears. He would ideally like to be able to use the app across all devices, so logic may need to be added to detect the usage scenario and adjust the session accordingly.


Considering for Future Release

Be able to grant hosts access to use or save stored credentials on guest through permissions.

Steven 9 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 2


Be able to control if a host has permissions to store and/or use stored credentials on a session using role based securiity.

Pending Review

User Default / Saved Preferences

Sean Keown 2 months ago 0

Request to allow users to save preferences (locally on their PC) if allowed by platform Administrator. Similar to the way the beep on connectlight theme and always on top are user preferences are saved. 

Image 1268

For example, the following could apply but only when allowed for partners with more restrictions. Maybe a web permission that allows end users to save preferences. Each option would probably be a different web permission. 

  • Platform admin defaults clipboard on but the but the end user wants it disabled by default.
    • Allow user to override Default Clipboard
  • Platform admin allows (suspend my input) but the end user wants to toggle it on by default.
    • Allow user to override Default Suspend Input

Pending Review

Disable Sharing My Clipboard

Sean Keown 2 months ago updated 2 months ago 1

Request to have the clipboard toggle be more personalized.

For example, if there are two Technicians connected to a computer at the same time and if (Technician A) enabled clipboard sharing, it would also enable it on (Technician B's) session allowing (Technician B's) clipboard to flow to (Technician's A) computer. 

Share Clipboard -> Share My Clipboard

Image 1267

Pending Review

Allow SC Web and Relay server to be both proxied on Cloudflare using Cloudflare tunnels

usshauler 5 months ago 0

As it currently stands, you are required to open a ports for ScreenConnect web server port 8040 and relay server port 8041 on your router/firewall. With implementations like Cloudflare tunnels, it would be extremely beneficial if you could proxy SC traffic on ports 8040 and 8041 using Cloudflare Tunnels. At this time, only the web server can be proxied but not the relay server. Can you please allow us this feature in order to not expose any open ports on our routers/firewalls and only use the Cloudflare tunnel for direction secure connection to our DNS provider, thank you.

Pending Review

Hard Drive Info

cameron 8 months ago 0

Would love to see how large someone's hard drive is, how much space is taken up/how much is left, if it's SSD or HDD, and we could add to a report this information. 

Pending Review

Add variables into the Trigger system

NetServicesGroup 1 year ago 0

System variables including $SERVERVERSION, $USERNAME, $2DAYSAGO, and others are only available in Session Group Filters.  It would be valuable to include the ability to use these variables in the Trigger system.

An example where the trigger would be helpful is here:

Event.EventType = 'Connected' AND Session.SessionType = 'Access' AND Session.CustomProperty1 LIKE 'XYZ Company%' AND Session.GuestClientVersion <> ''

This trigger can be used to send an e-mail when an out-of-date access agent from a specific company connects to the control server.  Unfortunately, this trigger needs to be manually updated every time a new Guest Client Version is released.

The other variables would also improve the filter quality. 

Pending Review

Automated repair/restart attempt of offline Automate agent via Control agent

mmaugeri 1 year ago 0

We've seen numerous times where the Automate agent goes offline but the Control agent is still connected and online. This causes machines to be purged from the Automate server when they are not truly offline for X days (to free up licenses.) If there were a way to have the two heartbeats check one another and if Control could attempt a restart of the Automate agent and vice versa if out of sync for X mins, that could eliminate false offline agents. And if the service fails to start or not found, generate a ticket.

Pending Review

Macos Operating System shows version 10.16 - Fix to show 11, 12, 13, etc

bcarson 1 year ago 0

Currently the "Operating System" shown for MacOS Big Sur and newer are "10.16", when they should show versions and sub versions of 11, 12, 13, etc...

Example: Apple Inc., Mac OS X (10.16) (en_US)

It should show: Apple Inc., Mac OS X (13.2.1) (en_US)

Use `sw_vers -productVersion` to get the correct version

Pending Review

Accept parameters on MSI client setup packages

bret larwick 2 years ago updated by smalik 2 months ago 1

It would be incredibly beneficial if your ClientSetup MSI packages accepted parameters.  Instead of downloading 30 different installers for all of our departments, if we could have a single MSI installer and then call it the installation with a -department or -company or other parameters that would save a lot of time.

example:  msiexec /i "ConnectWiseControl.ClientSetup.msi -company OurCompany -department 'Human Resources'" /qn