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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Under Review

Permissions - Enable chat only for a user

Stbrown 7 years ago updated by Simon 3 years ago 5

 It would be nice to have permissions for a user to be able to use the chat feature without giving them full access to join a session.

Considering for Future Release

Report or Audit of permissions and account creations.

Jared 7 years ago updated by ScottJ 2 months ago 3

To be able to run a report or an audit log of any changes to permissions (roles) or account changes or account creations.

Under Review

Attention Feature in System Tray

networkn 7 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 1

I'd like to propose to add functionality to Control, where if the customer right clicks the system tray they have an option for "attention" or something similar, which would put some sort of indicator in their connection in the web console. We would use this because we ID computers by their serial number, and they all use the same user account, so finding someone in 1000 connections can be extremely troublesome. Being able to flag a connection and find it by filtering would make things much more efficient. 


Send Wake-On-LAN packet from the on-prem server

forevanyeung 7 years ago updated by MDCTECH 4 years ago 3

Having the "relay" to send WOL packets is a neat feature but does not work if no machines are active on the subnet. If the on-premise server was able to send WOL packets, that would help in the event there are no relays online.

Under Review

An admin switch to disable new agent installs

Bill Bardon 7 years ago 0

Would like a switch in Admin to allow/disallow new agents. I can turn it on when I know I am setting up new PCs, then turn it off again until next time. This prevents random new PCs from appearing in the Access lists, for example, when AV scanners test the SC executable on dummy PCs.

Under Review

Zammad Helpdesk integration

gehlen 7 years ago 0

Hi ConnectWise Team,


it would be very nice if you integrate ScreenConnect to Zammad.

Zammad project: https://github.com/zammad/zammad


Under Review

Ability to sharing machines accross session folders with users that do not have access to the primary session folder in which the machine resides

Rhys Comley 7 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 2

The ability to share access to machines would be very useful feature and this request has come directly from the field on a number of occasions.

I suggest it could work in this way.

  • Rhys (WA Session Folder) has access to a VM and wants to share it with Joe (NSW Session Folder).

  • Rhys shares the machine with Joe (similar to a host pass) with his permissions for an indefinite (or set) period of time.

  • The machine shows in a “Shared Machines” folder in Joe's screen connect login and he can connect to it.

  • Rhys could have a view showing machines he has shared and who too, so that the share can be revoked if needed.

I can see this being a valuable feature to your product and needed/wanted by many.

Under Review

Video Capture - Mac

oldirtdog 7 years ago updated by info 7 years ago 1

the Mac client allows for screen capture using screenshots, but not video.  I would like to be able to do a single session, not just the always record using advanced auditing.

Under Review

Mac idle time

Dave T 7 years ago 0


We see idle time for PC Access sessions on the dashboard, but not for Mac.

Is this feature coming?  It allows us to intuit which machines are unattended and we can remote to without causing the user an issue.



Under Review

Listing of selected sessions "names" has been truncated as of ver 6.x

Yuniel 7 years ago updated by Peter OTools 4 years ago 1

On ver 5.x i had the ability to select a list of access sessions and on the right side i had all the names but this is not the case as of ver 6.x.  That list allowed the ability for copy and paste but unfortunately it has been shortened and only shows the first couple followed by ......

Going through the Report Manager extension is horrible if you are running a mix of Groups and Subgroups, etc..    Please fix, you have plenty of space on the right when making selections !!