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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Native Java based client

ethan s 7 years ago 0

I would like to not have to download a jnlp file every time I remote into a session. It is really annoying having to clean out my downloads everyday. Linux does not offer another option.

Considering for Future Release

Create Meetings in Advance

Karen 7 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 1

Schedule meetings in advance.  So session becomes accessible only after the date/time is set.  

Considering for Future Release

run screen sonncet as a system service pre remote session

Douglas Westervelt 7 years ago updated by ddenney 5 years ago 7

We are currently using LogMeIn as our primary tool to assist remotely.

Currently we have minimal user intervention needed to elevate our remote session as a system service. Before we actually connect to the user's PC we are prompted for the admin credentials to run LogMeIn as a system service.  

This is important because it requires the least amount of user intervention. We are an MSP that operate over multiple environments and platforms. So each computer could have unique settings applies. Most of our customer base is not an administrator by default.

Currently we are having unpredictable results using screen connect. Sometimes to elevate the session the password box does not appear to elevate. Sometimes there is a UAC window that pops up and the client may need to acknowledge to move forward. Currently we do not experience any of these issues using LogMeIn. It would be nice if we can automatically put in the local or domain admin credentials setting up the remote session and the ability to run as a system service. This would give the engineer much more predictable results with less user intervention.  

Image 213

Under review

Expand printer redirection support to better utilize native print drivers

Michael Legato (Support) 7 years ago updated by TRPCOMP Dan 5 years ago 3

Partner is attempting to print to a Canon printer mapped through Control that has 4 trays. The printer maps over and prints successfully, but will only print to the default tray. He is looking to see if we can expand support of the remote printing functionality to better handle situations like these and better utilize the functionality of the native printer drivers.


Under Review

Apply Windows keys "On this computer", "On remote computer", or "Only in full screen", like Microsoft RDP.

Mxyzptlk 7 years ago updated by Sean White 6 years ago 1

("Windows keys" includes Alt+Tab, any combination of the Windows key and another key, PrintScreen, and more.  See Microsoft KB for details.)

Currently, any time we want to send a Windows key to our local computer, we have to:

1.  Grab the mouse.

2.  Find something innocuous to click on.

3.  Click on it.

4.  Put hands back on the keyboard.

5.  Press Windows key.

(This solution was suggested by Support.)

Very time consuming.  Most of the time I don't want the Windows key sent to the remote computer, so it happens a lot.

Using the PrintScreen key to print the remote screen is *

very* tricky.

Image 212


Unattended computer should have an option to "end the session". also "overpower host mouse" if desired.

DianeOffutt 7 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 2

Adding a feature that will allow the unattended computer to "end the session" along with the host having total control would give the unattended computer customer a feeling of control. Without it all they can do is wait until the host is out, then uninstall the program. 

The unattended should have some control over their computer, "end session" and "overpower host mouse" would be two that make sense.

anonymous 6 years ago

Hey All,

So, just wanted to pass along that the guest's mouse movements will always have precedence over the host's. Guests can also regain their mouse and keyboard control by pressing CTRL-ALT-DEL. 

We will tackle allowing the guest to kick a host / lock connections down to time periods through the requests here,



Thanks for your feedback!

Under Review

Adding into report manager if consent was asked for or not

Harley 7 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 2

In report manager having an option to say if consent was asked for or not

Considering for Future Release

Ability to filter machines based on users connected to RDP sessions

Jesse Cross 7 years ago updated by Brian OLeary 2 years ago 7

It would be quite helpful if we could filter and search in ScreenConnect based on usernames also connected to RDP sessions.  For example on a Terminal server if user1 is connected and I search for user1 the search would populate the terminal server user1 is currently connected to.  The only way to see that user1 is connected now is to start a remote support session on each server and check the view menu to see all sessions connected.


Display is machine was shutdown/slept/hibernated vs. just simply offline

jhardwick 7 years ago updated 6 years ago 5

When a normal shutdown/reboot or sleep/hibernation is initiated it would be nice if SC would show that instead of simply showing the machine as offline -- something like Hibernated 25m ago, or Shutdown 25min ago.

anonymous 6 years ago


After consideration we've determined your request isn't feasible. There isn't a way to identify what specific action (i.e. reboot, sleep, etc.) put the system in an offline state.


Lock on session end based on OS

Darrell Null 7 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 1

I like the auto disconnect feature for server OSes, but find it very annoying when ConnectWise support is helping me that it locks my desktop. Therefore, I have the feature disabled on our Control server. Can you implement a feature that would only auto lock a server OS? Perhaps create a session group dynamically by looking for the word "server" in the OS name/version and then have a separate policy for servers.