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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Considering for Future Release

Apply Trigger to user

Retail Point 7 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 2

I created a trigger for when a user connects to a computer to be emailed when they connected. This works perfect. The problem is that i have to add every user name to the trigger. 

It would be very helpful to create a trigger and then be able to go to the users and apply this to each user you want the trigger to be active. 

Thank you


Report showing all computers a user connected to

Alan Tonn 7 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 2

I am not the admin of our IT consulting companies ScreenConnect system so I am uncertain if this is possible yet or not. I perform a lot of tasks using ScreenConnect throughout my day and at the end of my day I have to enter time into our ticketing system. 

Because a lot of what I do, I try to do through ScreenConnect, even when I could walk over to the computer, is recorded in the timeline tab in the web interface, I use it to help me not only figure out what I did but how long I was connected and working on a problem. I find this timeline feature very valuable.

However, it would be even better if I could some how see all the computers I have connected to in a day through a timeline that would be showing my users activity over all the computers at once. This timeline would be even more helpful for remembering all the computers I have connected to in a day. That would stop me from missing some entries that I should have made.

Is there a way to get that kind of a timeline and if so where do I find it? If it is something someone has to create, how and where do we do that? 

Under Review

It would be great if you could assign a color to the name of the guest Group example: mbba-daniel (yellow) mbba-louise yellow , mbba - server (red) because it becomes difficult to find a name in a group on have more name in group or all guest

aodinfo 7 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 1

  It would be great if you could assign a color to the name of the guest Group example: mbba-daniel (yellow)  mbba-louise yellow , mbba - server (red) because it becomes difficult to find a name in a group on have more name in group or all guest 16 color  It would be great and on name possible to choose color of name and color of group , Thank you excuse me my language is french i use 50/50 translotor and 50% my brain !!!

Considering for Future Release

Ability to link chat to a 3rd party app like BeeJive IM for better functionality.

Clint Thomson 7 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 1

The chat feature is currently hindered in that it does not translate well to mobile devices for the on-the-go technicians. Using chat in the mobile client is cumbersome and getting notifications while away from the computer could be improved. Being able to link the chat function to a 3rd party app like BeeJive Im using Jabber or something along those lines will drastically improve this feature.

Under Review

check that session codes are unique

John Feeney-Howells 7 years ago updated by Brian Bradford 6 years ago 3

When a new support session is created from the ScreenConnect web UI, it auto-generates a random four number session code for the client to connect, however at present no checking is done to see if the newly created session code is unique across all existing sessions. If the session code already exist the customer is connected to the existing session rather than the new session. This is extremely confusing as there is no way to determine which session the customer has connected to and indeed why they have not connected to the session you have just created for them! In my opinion this is a bug however when I reported it as such I was told this was by design - very poor design in my humble opinion!

Pending Review

Would be very nice to have a ticket integration with Screenconnect. Logs to ticket when screen connect session is initiated, or allows you to select an existing ticket and the chat logs would be saved into that ticket... Just thinking out loud but some in

Ferrell Fuller (AKA Chainsaw) 7 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 3

Would be very nice to have a ticket integration with Screenconnect. Logs to ticket when screen connect session is initiated, or allows you to select an existing ticket and the chat logs would be saved into that ticket... Just thinking out loud but some integration would be nice for documentation purposes. Thanks!

Ferrell Fuller President/CEO, ChaceTech LLC

Considering for Future Release

Add to linux client ability to blank remote (Guest) screen

CBTECH 7 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 1

The Blank screen option in linux would be great for a new service we offering , where we deploy custom built linux boxes wiht various tools and in-house custom scripts etc on client networks and then access them using Connect-wise Control. When we are working we like to keep the remote system monitor blank so end user/ client does not see what we are doing and protects our intellectual property, etc.

We are currently using Ubuntu as our base Linux OS.

Under Review

Remote System Diagnostics extension not displaying complete list of installed software

Dont Spam Me! 7 years ago updated by Brian Klish 5 years ago 2

In version 1.4 of the Remote Systems Diagnostics extension, the list of installed software is incomplete since the PowerShell method (Win32_Product) used for obtaining that type of information only takes into consideration applications installed with the Microsoft Installer. Since a lot of products use other installers (including any of the products by Piriform and Auslogics), it would be best to use a different approach that provides for a full listing of all installed applications, independent of the installer used.

One such approach is described at http://windowsitpro.com/powershell/what-applications-are-installed-computers-your-network and includes a corresponding sample script free of charge.

Granted, the output of that script would have to be reformatted to match the style of that of the current version of the extension, but that looks like it would be reasonably straight-forward to achieve.

Either way, this would greatly improve the usability of the "Software" portion of this extension.

The icing on the cake would be if it would then also be possible to toggle whether or not updates would be included in the output generated (or, alternatively, whether or not those portions of the output covering updates are displayed).

I already looked into this problem with Mike Hulme during a support session earlier this evening.


CMD tab Context

Matt B 7 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 4

I use the CMD tab a lot. I find the remote session under support or Access and then click the CMD icon in the far right tab in the interface. I then start typing a CMD to run like ipconfig but everytime the context has stayed in the middle tab and ipconfig ends up going into the session name search/filter box instead. Then I have to find my session again, click the cmd tab and then click into the "Enter a command" conext at the bottom. It would be nice (And seems like normal behaviour) that when you click the CMD header at the top the context would automatically switch to the only text entry form on that tab rather than staying in the middle tab.

Pending Review

Language Plugin for Remote Chat

Godwin Payano 7 years ago 0

Often times we provide remote support for customers that do not speak English. It would be nice to have a plugin to auto translate the information sent in the chat to the language of your choosing. Currently we rely on Google translate but we have top copy and paste between different windows.