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  • If you find a matching request, give it a thumbs up and throw in a comment.
  • If you can't find a request for an item you need, create your own request. Provide as many details as you can, especially regarding possible use cases.


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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Considering for Future Release

Meeting VOIP needs full duplex

TAPTech 7 years ago updated by Mike Bannerman 7 years ago 3 1 duplicate

The VOIP in meetings needs some improvement- everyone is muted if someone is speaking. That's great in concept, but the microphones often pickup background noise, making it almost impossible to hold a conversation.

Under Review

ScreenConnect needs container-based machine grouping

daniel 7 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 2

The way to narrow down machine access for different ScreenConnect accounts works using what's basically SQL language to narrow down machines based on similarities. ScreenConnect should respect the container organization that's in Labtech, or at the very least it should have the ability to create containers and place machines in them.

Considering for Future Release

Allow usage of SSL certificates already present in server(linux) systems

Raatt 7 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 1

If screenconnect accepted certificates already installed in systems with Apache/Nginx, one could simply create symlinks to them.

I know that there's a Let's Encrypt request up and this would be a step towards that, since accepting standard certs without having to process them with the cert tool will be a requirement towards supporting LE.

Under Review

Spiceworks Cloud Helpdesk Integration

jbradley 7 years ago updated by sahaka 6 years ago 2

I would like to see a spiceworks helpdesk cloud integration like Freshdesk where you can start a remote session from a ticket. i saw that it was mentioned in the spiceworks forums years ago but have not seen an update about it.

Under Review

Disable host pass

Timothy Rybak 8 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 5

I need to be able to remove this from Screenconnect, or disable it. I'm using this in a secured environment and it would be strictly prohibited.

anonymous 6 years ago

Hello Timothy,

You can disable the Get Host Pass feature globally with the install of the Remove Get Host Pass Extension. There is an existing feature request for the ability to turn off the host pass per role that you may like to +1 and add comments to, take a look here:
If you have a question, feel free to ask.

Under Review

ServiceNow Access Integration

Chris Campbell 8 years ago updated by Christopher Macnichol 3 years ago 8

I have configured and am using the ServiceNow extension, and really like the functionality. I would, however, like to see some additional functionality related to Access Sessions. In my use case, we would like to connect to access sessions we have deployed on clients in our organization. It would be nice if the plugin checked for an access session with the name of a ServiceNow field (example: Configuration Item). If the Access session did not exist, it could create a Support session using the same field as the session name.

Under Review

Pop Out Chat

PuppetMaster142 8 years ago updated by mgs172 7 years ago 1

You know what would be amazing? If you could 'pop out' or 'undock' the chat of individual machines via the Host console.

Sometimes users don't reply instantly, having a separate window open on my screen I'll be able to see when they reply. This way I can wait on reply from multiple m


Image 53

Under Review

Develop Extension for osTicket like the Freshdesk Extension

Alonzo Lattimore 8 years ago 0

Would like to see an extension for Screenconnect & osTicket. Would like this extension to be able to create a ticket in osTicket, when a remote session will be created in Screenconnect.

So when the session is created in Screenconnect information from the Guest System

will be transferred to into the open ticket in osTicket such as Computer Name, Operating System, Memory, IP Address, MAC Address, Running Services.

Also if a ticket is first created in osTicket then a session in Screenconnect will be created and Guest System information will initially populated the open ticket in osTicket.

Would LOVE TO SEE THIS!!! : )


Change Embedded Theme Colors

Mike J 8 years ago updated by josephh 6 years ago 3

Please add the ability to modify the default color scheme of the embedded theme to match the main site theme. We changed the colors to reflect our internal colors, but the embedded theme maintains your red theme.

This really should be a base feature if the embedded solution exists.

Under Review

Prompt for consent without user being logged in

CHIV 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 1

Please add the ability to prompt for consent at the logon screen, when no user is logged onto the computer