Your comments

Hi bgarner, 

Have you tried out ConnectWise SSO? 



Hi Patrick, 

You can generate a report of connection events and the associated hosts using the Report Manager. 

We'll keep this as a feature request, but I wanted to also mention Lock on Disconnect. You can turn this option on by downloading the Advanced Configuration Editor from the Extension Marketplace. Navigate to the Configuration tab on the Admin page -> Application Configuration -> Quick Settings. 

Hi Intraworks, 

Using the Advanced Configuration Editor, you can set the Minimum Authentication Factor Count for both Host page and Admin page. 

 Also using the Advanced Configuration Editor, you can then set Trust This Device duration to 0 days so your users don't have the option to save their device. 

Hi Tom, 

The status menu includes a section for Last Error Message -  this will display if a Windows session can be elevated to handle Windows UAC messages.

Hi Scott, 

We'll keep this as a feature request, but wanted to add that there is a string on the Appearance page that can make Notes, if present, visible in the session list:
