Your comments

Hi Kendall, 

What other information would you expect to see in this report of local admin users? Just username and email address? Or something more robust like permissions and date of last connection? Any additional information you can provide about your use case will be helpful. 


Hi Wesley,

You can run commands from the host page, so you should have no problem rebooting without logging into the PC. 

Hi Don, 

Can you provide a little more information about your request? Does this request pertain to the host client or thumbnail preview?

Hi Break it til it works, 

Sounds like you might be including the sessionID in your 'golden image.' Check out this doc for more information. That should solve your problem. 

Hi Robin, 

Can you provide a little more information about your request? It sounds like you're referring to the process a guest needs to go through to join a support session.


Hi David, 

We'll keep the option to resize the host client, and more specifically the helper, as a feature request. 

However, wanted to suggest trying to dock your host client to see a longer version of the helper and hopefully a few more logins in your password manager. 

Hope this helps!