Your comments

Hi Manuel, 

The organization name can be included in the client application while building your installer. If you include information in the Organization field at this stage, it will be added to the installer when downloaded by the guest. 


Thanks Daniel, glad to hear that meets your needs! Currently, this isn't an HTML enabled section, so there isn't a way to format the text. I'll register this aspect a feature request. 

Hi Daniel, 

The easiest way to include additional info for new Access users would be to edit either web resource string on the Appearance page, BuildInstallerPanel.Paragraph1Message or BuildInstallerPanel.Paragraph2Message. These resource strings will update the paragraphs inside the build installer modal and can include information like "Please enter Tier 1 in the Security Group field."


Hi CrackerJack, 

I'll submit this feature request for further review. In the meantime, you can update app.config settings to DisableClipboardCapture.