Your comments

Hi Brett, 

While we are currently unable to display a guest attribute using either AD or local machine username in chat, you can set both your JoinPanel.SupportPromptParticipantNameVisible and JoinPanel.SupportPromptVisible web resource strings to "true", which will request the guest participant's name when they join a support session. The name request prompt appears after they enter the code to join a session. Hope this helps!

I come with good news!

This feature I mentioned earlier is nearly complete. However, as you can see, this is not strictly a VPN tool. We posted a preview of it in a recent blog post. Take a look and let us know your thoughts!

Hi Donato, 

Thanks for flagging this. To be compliant, we updated password/username response to one notification only, similar to your suggestion, in a recent update - 6.8. Are you using an older version of Control? 


Hi Dean, 

All ChromeOS users are now encouraged to use our Google Play Store app, which actually has increased functionality! Please see this technical bulletin for more information:

Would you like to be part of our beta testing for Android? If so, you can sign up here and have access to our newest build in the next two weeks.