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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!


Need an Ask Then Deny for Screen Connect

Kevin Hendrick 6 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 6 years ago 2

We need to have an Ask Then Deny option for Screen Connect

Under Review

Mobile access

Chris Jamrog 6 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 2

Looking for the ability to limit access to users using the mobile app.


Ability to select all guest machines with outdated client versions

SBTSLLC 6 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 6 years ago 3

Simply looking for the ability to select all guest machines with outdated client versions from the Access Screen.  This will make it much simpler to run the push reinstall routine without having to scroll through and individually select the machines with outdated clients.  If you could do "Outdated & Guest Connected" that would be ideal.


This is already available.  I have been using since I first upgraded from 6.0 to 6.1 to locate outdated clients for upgrade.

Create a new Session Group and set the Session Filter to:

GuestClientVersion <> $SERVERVERSION AND GuestConnectedCount > 0

Pending Review


Franz 6 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 1

Would be great to link Privacy Statements / Cookie Settings to comply with European GDPR on the landing page so i dont have to embed the whole page into another one.


Auto-Default opening dual monitor instances

Randleman 6 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 6 years ago 1

Good afternoon, Is there a feature or a setting to automatically have two windows open automatically sort of in a LMI sort of way? Almost all of our clients have multiple monitors and it would be nice to have them open in separate windows. Please let me know!

Under Review

Group Sessions by $USERROLES (As applied by SAML)

ricky lewis 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 5

Custom Fields display across module

Jennifer Cansler 6 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 1

Add the option to add a custom field created at the company or contact level to show up in the company or contact pod on the service ticket screen. If i were to add a room number field under Contacts. Then i would want to be able to see that on my ticket screen and not have to click back into the contact.

anonymous 6 years ago

Hi Jennifer,

This doesn't seem like a Control request.

Submit Manage requests here

Pending Review

Granular Custom Property access control.

ABEN703 6 years ago 0

We'd like to have granular control of who can use Custom Property fields based on user class in two different ways:

- Being able to define which Custom Property fields are presented as options to populate when clicking "Build +" to make an installer package.

- Being able to define which user classes are allowed to fill / edit specific Custom Property fields post-install.

There's certain information we'd like to be able to present for the session list that we'd only want editable by Administrators (or, really greater than Tier 1) to prevent our Tier 1 personnel from modifying it.

Notes don't really cut it as a workaround unless we lock those down to only be accessible to administrators.  (Plus, Notes, as currently implemented, would need to let us do stuff like locking / dragging and dropping key notes to the top of the notes list as needed to keep things presented consistently.)


Delegate password reset authority

cps 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 2

I own and administrate my self-hosted ScreenConnect and I work with a half dozen technicians who have login accounts. I have had a occasions where a tech needed his password to be reset. The problem is that I am not always available and may be out of reach for days at a time. If a user cannot log in that can bring productivity to a halt.

I would like to be able to delegate the authority to reset passwords to one or more technicians without granting them full admin authority. Right now I believe the only way I can grant this authority to another person is to make that person a full admin.

Can we split off that particular role as a separate line item so that we can define a level of administration permissions that are less than complete "god" permissions? Also, a person with that level of permissions should not be able to reset the password of the "god" admin.

I am not a control freak, I swear!

Considering for Future Release

Show Mouse cursor on host regardless of cursor state on remote

DCIArtformDev 6 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 6 years ago 2

My organization has recently switched to using ScreenConnect from LogMeIn.  We managed several thousand kiosks, some that are interactive and some that are digital signage.  Most of the applications running on these kiosks hide the cursor in some fashion (whether it's Flash/AS3/HTML5-CSS3).  We would love to have the ability to see the cursor on our side while it's still hidden locally. 

LogMeIn currently allows this (possibly in part because you 'confine' control to the remote window or separate it with a key combination).  Having this ability allows us to interact with remote kiosk applications without exposing the mouse cursor.

If there is a way to do this with the current client, I'm unaware how.