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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Under Review

ScreenConnect/ConnectWise - Cloud Instance Auto Update Alert

Josh Cummings 5 years ago updated by Sean White 5 years ago 2

"Please provide email notification a day in advance of when new stable versions are released"

Michael Legato - ConnectWise Chat Customer Support Agent.  On behalf of Valued Customer.

Business Reason: We have a complex environment which require 24 hour setup time. Since cloud instances updates without notice this could cause instability or downtime for our environment.

Under Review

Display image of technician when a remote connection is established.

Andrew Best 6 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 4 years ago 3

A thumbnail image of the support technician/engineer displayed when a Control session is established should help provide a face to a name. This personal touch can help establish a closer relationship between clients and remote assistance. The hope is that this relationship will lead to a better overall level of service.


Run powershell from ToolBox

jhardwick 6 years ago updated by H Nielsen 3 weeks ago 3

Microsoft at some point changed the default action for powershell PS1 files to be to open in Notepad instead of running them for security reasons.  That means I can't just launch a powershell script to fix an issue from the toolbox though.

I'd like to be able to have them run from the toolbox when connected to a machine... perhaps we do a custom extension of script.ps1.exec or something. 

As it is powershell scripts in the toolbox don't really provide any value.

Considering for Future Release

Block Touch Screen input on Client Device when Blocking Guest Input

Stephen Bowden 7 years ago updated by Jonathan Hemmings 3 years ago 6

When blocking Guest Input - Keyboard and Mouse, if the device has a touch screen the Guest can still interact using the touch screen.  Would it be possible to investigate if the Touchscreen input can be disabled as well ?

Considering for Future Release

Prompt to lock remote computer when disconnecting - another try

Jason Tenpenny 7 years ago updated by Rishikesh Gajul (Product Manager) 2 years ago 10 1 duplicate

So you guys put out an extension, but it's still not giving me the functionality that I need. I need the ability to override the default setting, whichever way it's set. And I need to be able to do this per session. Again, check TeamViewer's option.

So my desired configuration is to have all sessions lock automatically on disconnect. But then I want a button override that tells it not to lock on disconnect for this specific host session only. That way if I've been on the phone with a client, I don't interrupt them when I jump off. But if I get disconnected from inactivity, the default action of lock still takes effect. The plugin you created does not give me this ability. I have to set machine overrides that are always in effect for that machine... unless I'm just missing something. But I don't think so. But the feature needs to be built in such a way that it can work the other way too. We should be able to have the global setting set to not lock on disconnect but hit the button override to force a lock on disconnect for the current host session.


Allow tech to set a notification when a computer comes back online

starr 7 years ago updated by Sascha Skeries 4 years ago 6

Sometime a computer may be rebooting and it takes quite a while to reboot, or there may be some issues that slowed the reboot. I would like to be able to set on a per session basis a notification for a machine coming back online. Best if there was a check box in the session that says notify when online.

Considering for Future Release

Alarm / Reminders

RD1 8 years ago updated by SriVidya 6 years ago 3

For my technicians they will have multiple connections going to support a number of users. Sometimes a technician has to wait for something to install/happen so they move onto the next user to support. What would be awesome is in the toolbar have an alarm/reminder to come back to the user they left whilst its installing or waiting for something to happen. We've had a few occasions where the technician has forgotten to go back to the user but with an alarm it would prompt them. All it needs to be is a simple drop down and select a time like 5, 10, 15 or custom and then when that event arrives it plays a sound or sends an email.

Considering for Future Release

Display logo on the 'Consent to Control' message

DaMtechMatt 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 6

It would be great of we could display our logo on the 'Consent to control' message.

The amount of customers that ask 'Is this you?' when it pops up.

anonymous 7 years ago

Hello All,

You can display your logo on the Consent to Control message presented to your guests by adding your logos to the ApplicationIcon16/ApplicationIcon32 client resources found on the Administration Appearance page. Make sure to reinstall your endpoints so your changes are pushed out.

Under Review

Session Group change updates the Security tab.

RFT_rgrubb 8 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 4 years ago 12

Currently, if I change the name of a Session Group, I have to reconfigure my User Role permissions to use the group under the new name. Basically, I have to delete the role permission and add it under the new session group name.

The requested change would update the User Role permissions on the Security Page to match the new session group name if a session group is renamed.

Under Review

Allow Support Client to "Snap" to Windows Areas.

Cazi 8 years ago updated by Jason Yocum 3 years ago 10

Almost all applications in Windows 7+ allow for "snapping" to different areas of Windows. For example if you drag Notepad to the side of your display it takes up half of the screen, or if you drag it to the top it will maximize the window. Please allow the ScreenConnect support client to do this. Thanks.