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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Under Review

Move web.config settings to the Administration page UI

anonymous 8 years ago updated by Mike Bannerman 8 years ago 2

Partner would like app.config and web.config settings added to the Administration page UI.

Under Review

install screenconnect client over top of existing program should update session key

Greg H-L 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 3

If we 'end' a session on a remote machine with the screenconnect client installed, the program is still left installed. That's normal and expected. However, to reconnect to a customer, the client must first UNINSTALL the client, then reinstall from a fresh downloaded client.

I am suggesting that a freshly downloaded screenconnect client from the SAME screenconnect installation should just freshen the key to allow reconnection without uninstallation first.

this would make the reconnection to a client one less step (no uninstallation would be necessary).

Under Review

Add the ability to authenticate multiple AD servers

anonymous 9 years ago updated 7 years ago 5

Partner request the ability of authenticating to multiple AD servers.

Considering for Future Release

Develop a dynamic system tray

anonymous 9 years ago updated by Vlad Velciu 2 years ago 4

Partner would like to have the ability to use 1 system tray icon for certain clients and a different one for everyone else.

Under Review

Capture consent information

anonymous 9 years ago updated by MWalters 11 months ago 4 1 duplicate

Partner would like when prompted for consent, that the data is saved somewhere.

Under Review

During file transfer, prompt to select location to drop the file

Larry 9 years ago 0

-We find the file transfer function a bit lacking compared to the competition. The fact that your transfer automatically places files in a folder without asking for destination is a pain. We prefer picking where the destination should be on the fly


Add ability to have canned/pre-set messages for chat

anonymous 9 years ago updated by cps 6 years ago 12

Partner asks that we provide a means of having preset chat messages that they can send to their remote clients.

This would probably be something like the Command Toolbox extension, where users can enter up to X number of preset chat messages.

1. You should then be able to send the preset chat messages from either Host client or from the Host page.
2. Messages should be configurable
2. Messages should paste to the chat window, but allow the host to edit before sending the message

host_client host_page chat

Subgroups should collapse when you click on the triangle again

Ryan 9 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 6

Subgroups should collapse when you click on the triangle again (it should toggle between collapsed and not collapsed


Add an 'installed date' property to session filtering

Mike Bannerman 9 years ago updated by KevinR&R 4 months ago 13 2 duplicates

Partner wants a way to sort the machines based on the initial installation date.

User Story:

Adding a 'installed date' property that pulls the date the client was installed on a machine would allow the partner to group recently added machines together as a check to make sure his technicians are adding machines correctly and for auditing purposes.

session_management date groups install session

Add a "CAPS lock is on" indicator to the password fields

Administrator 9 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 9 months ago 9

Partner would like a Caps Lock notification to be enabled on the ScreenConnect login page.

User Story:

Partner has set MaxInvalidPasswordAttempts, his technicians have frequently been locked out due to caps locks being on. If they were able to see an indication of this, it would lessen the problem.