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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Under Review

direct download URL

Richard Cooke 8 years ago updated by santos 9 months ago 2

I have customers that struggle getting the remote client installed so I can work on their machine. The existing workflow is too many steps:

1. Navigate to XXX.screenconnect.com

2. Click white on red arrow bellow Build Installer


4. Run the Download

They would rather have one URL that picks the right download type for their OS and initiates a download of it. The workflow would be much shorter:

1. Go to XXXX.screenconnect.com/install

- OS detected, appropriate guest picked

- Download started

2. Run the download

You can see I'm basing this off of my URL so the system knows who they want to connect to. And There could be several options besides "install" such as:

- "/support" to get a support session going (default session name, or client enters)

- "/helpme" instead of "/install". Perhaps the name could be set in the config?

Considering for Future Release

Strong urge for ADFS integration

chris feng 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 2

ADFS has become a standard for authentication and multifactor stuffs.

Almost all the web based applications now support that.

Why screen connect is still not considering implement that feature?


Passportal Integration

Kurt Woods 8 years ago updated by Michael Lidke 7 years ago 7

We recently purchased and are starting to implement Passportal. One of the reasons that we liked them over the competition was that they had integration with ScreenConnect. However, now that we have started with them we learn that the integration is not currently supported. We would like to have this working as it was a great feature and makes everything much more secure. We hope that Passportal being in the Connectwise "family" will help move this forward.


Configure SessionProperty.CustomX as a list as opposed to a field

Rhys Comley 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 4

SessionProperty.CustomX is a custom filed that can be used to map machines to session groups. our ScreenConnect instance has over 100+ session groups as it is used as a global platform. when new machines are added, the SessionProperty.CustomX must be set to the session group folder name 'exactly' to ensure the machine is mapped to the correct session folder. if SessionProperty.CustomX was a list, the user could select the correct session group to place the machine in ensuring no mistake is made when configuring the SessionProperty.CustomX property.

anonymous 7 years ago

Hello Rhys and Phill,

We've recently made the custom property value fields, for creating a session and building an installer, combo boxes. In 6.1, users will be able to choose previously used custom field values from a dropdown or enter a new value.

Under Review

Pin Menu Bar

Derrick 8 years ago 0

Ability to "pin" the menu bar so that it always displays when you maximise the control window.

Considering for Future Release

Built-in replacement for More Pages extension

MrEastwood 8 years ago updated by Jesse Brinson 7 years ago 3

I gave this a little thought, and for me it makes sense though I can't speak for others. The More Pages extension which no longer works with nor is being updated for v6, allowed us to customize the guest navigation panel across the top of the screen.

My reasoning is that my www.mydomain.com is for advertising and company information. I don't want to clutter it up with tools. My support.mydomain.com is the place I send existing customers when I need to get work done now.

I noticed that a number of existing extensions add another box onto the guest screen (for example, Guest Session Starter or Invite Host to Session). I'm not sure if by simply creating an extension, the guest screen has the ability to place them properly or automatically, but this would be something to overcome.

I'd like to see an extension that simply adds the ability to add more link boxes on the main guest page. So the properties of each added box would be custom primary and secondary text, a link destination, and open in a new tab/window. See attached photo for an example.

In my example, custom primary text = "Search", secondary = "Google", link destination = "http://google.com" and open in a new tab = true. Each one added would simply place it below the previous.

Image 23

Under Review


mholmes 8 years ago updated by Greg Moyses 4 years ago 12

With the on-premise Linux-based version of ScreenConnect, I would like the ability to add the X-Frame-Options header without manually editing the Default.master file. This should be an option within the administrator configuration area.

Scott Linak 7 years ago

Hi Mholmes,

We added the ability to add custom headers via extensions in 5.6. I'll send you over an example of how to add X-Frame-Options.

Under Review

ScreenConnect Service Virtual Appliance VM

lagoon kellen 8 years ago updated by RyanG 7 years ago 3

deploy screen connect without an OS as a virtual appliance


Need advanced notice before changing ip address/server holding our instance in the cloud

joefohner 8 years ago updated by adam-b 2 years ago 11

Our URL filter will not allow screenconnect to work unless I exempt the ip address of the server holding our instance. We never know when this ip address is going to change. The only way to tell is when Screen Connect stops working and is unable to connect. Then I have to call support and find out which IP the server is using. Since you don't use DNS records for these servers, we can't exempt a domain in the URL filter. The URL filter is an Edgewave iPrism. I've talked with Edgewave at length. The only way I can prevent this is to exempt a domain. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

anonymous 7 years ago

A notification setting was added to the profile page on the cloud account portal, and if enabled you will receive an email if your server IP changes. 


Considering for Future Release

Fix long delay when attempting to transfer a file that is in-use on the remote system

Kevin Day 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 3

To recreate:

Open a file on the remote system

Select the file on the remote system, Ctrl+C

Switch back to your local desktop, Ctrl+V

What happens: The file transfer progress dialog displays and hangs for a minute with no progress before failing.

What we'd like to have happen: Immediately, an error message appears that indicates that the file is in use.

This request originated in a ticket - see Service Ticket#8283903 for the exchange.