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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Under Review

javafree client for linux?

JohnD123 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 1
Under Review

Fingerprint's authentication - Mobile apps iOS and Android

cmz 7 years ago updated by Michael Skenderian 7 years ago 1


would it be possible to add the fingerprint's authentication to the mobile apps iOS and Android ?

That would be just awesome !

Thanks in advance



Under Review

Search for a session group quickly

B14CK_H4WK 7 years ago updated by Russell 6 years ago 1

The ability to Search for a session group quickly would be useful in or case since we sort computers via company and the list is getting pretty long. A Session group search box right above all machines would be awesome

Under Review

Credential Manager

hossola 7 years ago updated by David Geddes 6 years ago 1

It would be great if credentials for "send to screen" could be applied to all machines within an organization and not applied for each machine. 


Maximize Screen & Full Screen Options (Full Window vs Full Screen)

Anthony Wright 7 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 1

Full Window vs Full Screen

If you click Maximize in the Application Bar it goes full screen.

Would like option for both Full Screen and Full Window.

Would like 4 options instead of 3.

  Minimize -Minimize Window

  Window / Maximize - Window mode or Maximize (but in windowed mode, like word and 99% of all windows applications.

  Full Screen - Same as your Maximize icon now.

  Close - Closes

Forgive my lack of Photoshop (paint) skills:  I would leave the icon selection to someone much better.

Image 127

Now if you want to maximize, but not be in full screen you have to drag the edges every time.

Sometime Full screen is perfect, but there is a lot of times I want full window, like when I have multiple applications running on that monitor and i want to access them from the task bar quickly.

anonymous 6 years ago

Hi Anthony,

If you right click on the client window you will see the option Fullscreen When Maximized. If this is checked, and you maximize the client window it will go fullscreen (client border & toolbar will hide). If this is unchecked, and you maximize, the border & toolbar will still be visible. Requires 6.6+

Under Review

Avoid manual Client Side upgrade/deployment to distribute configurations

roberto cazzato 7 years ago 2 1 duplicate

Since every client (guest or host) must be connected to the server to work, cannot screenconnect developers do so every changes and management are done server side, dynamically and trasparently passing configurations to clients ? without imposing manual upgrade/re-deploy of clients to make client behavior changes ?

Under Review

Limit the number of concurrent logons

GreeneIS-Dave 7 years ago updated by Luca 5 years ago 4

We're wanting the ability to limit the number of times a user (i.e. MickeyMousse) can logon to our Control Portal (i.e. https://control.connectwise.com).

That way, when we resell CW Control, we can bill for 5 licenses instead of them only buying 1 license and sharing it with 5 internal IT Staff.

Under Review

Copy Paste

Jay 7 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 2

Please enable or bring back copy/paste and or file transfer for us little guys using the free version that only need access to a friend or family member. Was so shocked when this was taken away on 6.2.


OAuth 2.0 Integration

Duncan 7 years ago updated by Poynter 6 years ago 3

It would be nice to have OAuth 2.0 Integration to support google single sign on.

anonymous 7 years ago
Under Review

add a feature to be able to see the admin status and UAC setting

jswinkunas 7 years ago updated by Tom Watt 4 years ago 0

add a feature to be able to see the admin status and UAC setting