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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Stroke Thickness - Additional, thicker options

Timothy T3 Carlson 6 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 6 years ago 1

Within a meeting session while drawing, you have the option to select stroke thickness, but are limited in the options you have for this thickness.  It would be useful for a few thicker, darker strokes while I'm coordinating a meeting.

Also some of us prefer thinner strokes for fine-tuned drawing.  The options for how thick my strokes are should be expanded to better suit my needs.


Basic VNC Integration

Serg 7 years ago updated by ChadLyon 2 years ago 8

I'm requesting VNC integration for the situation where certain devices do not allow the loading of the SC client because the devices in question don't run a traditional OS, but support VNC connections. In our case the device is a Wyse thin client running ThinOS. The integration wouldn't be more than having the connection within the Access list, and only the basic ability to remote control. No file transfer, Toolbox, command prompt, etc. An extension for this would be great and I'm surprised there is not one already available.


I want to intregration with Freshdesk

Lim Ja Shen 7 years ago updated by Jacobus Hindson 6 years ago 3

Dear Developer ,

I would to share my feedback about it  

can you tell your team to make it supported for Freshdesk Mint

Lim Shen
 10:44 AM


Under Review

Remote Printing Margins

Hillary Parker 7 years ago updated by Ed Deiaco-Lohr 4 years ago 4

We use a program that prints receipts and reports for us that have very specific margins. We have no trouble printing these things out normally, yet when we try to remotely print via ConnectWise, the margins are being cut off by about 0.5" on each side. These receipts and reports are extremely important to our business, so if we aren't able to control the printing margins or have them widened on ConnectWise, perhaps we need to switch back to LogMeIn Pro.

Pending Review

Add PSTN option for "meetings" instead of VoIP only

DJ Yoder 7 years ago updated by LivingtheDream 6 years ago 1

It would be great if there was a dial-in / PSTN option for "Meeting" instead of VoIP only.  Our customers have not all yet adopted VoIP and as a result we have to continue using both GoToMeeting and Control.  Even if there was a usage fee or charge, we would happily increase our licenses - at least 3-fold - if we had dial-in options with Control and could eliminate having 2 vendors. 

Under Review

Connection Diagnosis

Rumage 7 years ago updated by Sean Keown 3 years ago 2

I would like to request a utility to diagnose connection issues. 

Let me explain the a scenario that I am beginning to see over and over.

I ask my customer to connect to a meeting,  they enter the code; download the APP; press Run.  The meeting never starts,  there are no errors.

CUSTOMER::  There must be something wrong with your meeting.  It doesn't work!

ME:  The meeting is working,  I am waiting for you to join.

CUSTOMER: Maybe I should try a different browser

ME: Any browser will work

CUSTOMER: I want to try browser  X,

ME: Fine, give URL, mtg CODE etc

CUSTOMER: Your meeting does not work.  I have access to the internet, blah blah blah... It must be on your side.

At this point I have wasted 20 minutes trying to make a 2 minute support call.

Given this scenario I would like a tool that the user can run via a URL which would run a series of diagnostic checks that would tell them whether they have a clear network path to the target meeting servers. Perhaps the tool could ping the specific addresses and PORTS with TCP and UDP to ensure that the path is open.  Then give a report that indicates an all clear or which ports are failing.

This in turn lets them understand that the failure to connect is caused by a network configuration restrictions on their end.

When I was a customer with GoTo Assist (Citrix) I found their version of this tool very useful.

Considering for Future Release

SmarterTrack integration plugin

Brian 7 years ago updated by Sean White 5 years ago 7

Please create a plugin for integration with

SmarterTrack Helpdesk software.


Pending Review

Remote video support app

jhardwick 7 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 3 1 duplicate

I'd like to see something similar to GoToAssist's "See It" solution or LogMeIn's Rescue lens product.  It would be really handy to be able to sent a text/MMS to a customer and have them "show" us the problem so often and it seems like an easy feature add into Control.

Considering for Future Release

Please create an alert or log entry when a user is added deleted or password changed.

jared 7 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 1

Currently when a user is added or deleted or changed from the admin panel. There is nothing to alert the other users. Please add functionality so this information can be tracked in some manner.


Add "License Expired" notice to Host page so no one wastes time troubleshooting

Paul Hirsch 7 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 1

We spent a lot of time this morning doing technical troubleshooting of what turned out to be a licensing issue.  When an upgrade license was ordered on Friday it was not immediately applied.  The previous license was deactivated and all agents reported as offline 24 hours later.  The only places to see the license was expired were by opening a host client connection (which was not done since all the agents were offline), or by logging in as Superadmin and going to the License page.  (We minimize the use of our superadmins accounts for security.)

A simple popup or notice on the Host page of "Unlicensed" would have avoided all that wasted time.   We will thank you and your own support people will thank you.