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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!
Mass Notifications
We would love to have the ability to send out mass notifications via the chat window in the event of an Active shooter scenario or other system down message since we already have a client on every computer.. I guess it could be done now but we would need the chat box to take focus on the client side and popup over all other windows.
Remove Forgot Password from CW Control Home Page
I don't want everyone having access to reset their password by using "Forgot Password?" This can be abused if an email is compromised. I want an option to remove this from the home page.
Add Uptime to Session Filter
Perhaps this is already possible on version 19.0, just undocumented. Guest uptime is tracked and available in the General info tab, we should be able to use uptime as a session filter.
Allow regularly-scheduled SMTP thumbnail / screenshot exporting, as well as other relevant information
Screenshots are already being captured and imported into the Control interface. We should be able to schedule regular delivery of these screenshots by machine or by machine group to ourselves or to clients who want to monitor their staff.
If this was in the form of a task-scheduling extension, it could also send other non-static information that managers might want to see, such as the idle time of each machine and the logged on user, but the easily automated export of the expanded thumbnail image would be a significant upgrade to this product.
Other options within the extension could include "Only export screenshot when user is logged in," and "Only update screenshot when idle time < screenshot interval"
Language input key support on the host client
An issue concerning Japanese keyboard support:
The host wants to change the input method on the guest computer. So the host presses the 半角 / 全角 (hankaku / zenkaku) input key — placed at the top left corner of Japanese keyboards. But the guest computer's input method doesn't change. So, the host must change the input method by navigating the mouse to the task tray and clicking on the icon that manages the input method. This is a tedious process, given how very often a typical Japanese user switches between these two inputs.
Turn consent on or off by time of day and day of week
I have a client that has hours from 7AM to 6PM M-F. I want consent to be turned on during those hours and turned off at night and on weekends for the purpose of doing maintenance.
Lock Computer using command line - rundll32.exe user32.dll, LockWorkStation
Some of our user always forget to lock their computer when leaving or going to lunch / break. This to force the computer to lock when the user is not around. O
Add A specific button to elevate support sessions to admin
I know it is possible by sending the Ctr-alt-del command, however this seems a bit clunky particularly to my less technical users.
A button that specifically says ELEVATE SESSION, or ELEVATE credentials then prompts for admin credentials to the machine would go a long way to clarifying this.
This really only applies to support sessions as access sessions already have elevated access.
OSX Team ID for Kernel Extension Configuration Profiles
The ability to create a Kernel Extension in MDM Configuration Profiles using Team ID:
- whitelist any apps or permissions from ConnectWise
- Automatically approve any security permissions ("Security & Privacy" >> "Privacy" >> "Accessibility")
- Automatically approve update installations, etc ("Allow" updates to install silently)
From what I've seen, Team IDs are 10 digit alphanumeric codes provided by the developer to the customer for MDM profile configuration.
More info on Team IDs & Kernel Extensions here:
Options for FQDNs to be used as part of a Restricted External IP list
We use Web.Config RestricttoIPs on the Per Page settings. It needs an option to be able to Resolve Domain Names instead of just IP addresses. This would allow us to deal with traffic coming from dynamic IP sources.
Customer support service by UserEcho