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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Report/audit method to compare CWA & CWC agents

Mike Judd 6 years ago 0

I'd like to have a way to pull info to compare agents and last contact date/time between CWA & CWC agents.

This helps with 2 issues we try to stay on top of:

1) When we offboard a client, the offboarding and/or CWC uninstall scripts do not uninstall CWC.  Agents remain in the system and are just noise.

2) It's not uncommon to find CWA agents that have stopped checking in but do have CWC agents that are still live.  There are various methods to revive/repair/reinstall the CWA agent via CWC command line.  Being able to identify a condition with stale & live agents would allow us to quickly remedy the stale CWA agent.

Under Review

Matrox Driver Warning

Timbo 6 years ago updated by Sean White 6 years ago 1

I don't believe the slowness issue with Matrox driver can be fixed, however, it would be hugely beneficial to at least have the Control window show a pop-up warning when you are connecting to a machine having that driver saying something to the effect of "Warning: Matrox driver detected, connection will appear slow.  Use RDP instead"

Sometimes our techs will connect and waste time thinking the server is slow when it fact it's just Control...

Under Review

Chat to Text and Back

Bernie 6 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 6 years ago 2

Would be nice to be able to have the chat not only show on the screen but also be sent to a pager or phone text to give more flexibility to the Host to not be ties to the screen to communicate.

Pending Review

SOS Extension

rloyfman 6 years ago 0

The extension currently loads on the support side with the words "Quick supportSOS client" and then the name of the session, there should be a way to remove those words or shorten it since it takes up alot of room.

Under Review

Screen Blank - layer overlay Issues

Cat Goode 6 years ago updated by eurogame_ro 6 years ago 2


Apparently this is a feature request, not a bug. 

The issue is that with Screen blanking people can see things occurring, such as dropdown boxes, which I cannot see on my side of the connection. I have been told.

Thu 5/31/2018/10:56 PM UTC-04/ Mike Hulme (time)- Hey Cat, Thank you for contacting ConnectWise Control Support, and my apologies on the trouble. It is true that your mouse or other menus (especially layered ones) may bleed through. At it's core, it's really just a single layer overlay over the top, so anything layered would still bleed through. As strange as it sounds, I'm afraid it would be a feature request to overhaul that process. Our development team would love to hear from you with regard to this directly, and you can do so via our user echo portal found here: Http://control.product.connectwise.com/forums/1-new-features/ Let us know if you have any additional questions about the above and have a wonderful day. Regards, Mike Hulme

Under Review

Identify max number of licenses utilized at one given time

Nichole 6 years ago updated by Sean White 6 years ago 1

Requesting a way to identify the max number of licenses that we have utilized at any one given time. As of today we are unable to pull this information. It would make purchasing and maintaining the appropriate number of licenses much easier.

Considering for Future Release

Get host pass access based on predefined schedule

suresh 6 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 6 years ago 1

remote access to the host only with a predefined start and end time like any other meeting invite open up the sessions during that period only (current host invite is just based on bulk hours and don't include start time, like host access only from 1PM to 2PM but i would send the invite one day prior to the user)

Under Review

Network/internet speedtest.

kbaswell 6 years ago updated by Matthew Thompson 6 years ago 2

Would be nice to have a speedtest function. Instead of logging into machine and navigating to website like speedtest.net and running test. Possibly even a local network speedtest. This would help diagnosing slowness issues.

Considering for Future Release

Please Index Login Sessions

andrew bykovec 6 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 3

I'd like to search by username and get hits from terminal servers with that user logged in. Currently ScreenConnect does not index TS login sessions.


Run command on host disconnect

Mauro 7 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 1

It will be great if we can run a specific command or toolbox script after host disconnect.

anonymous 6 years ago

Hey Mauro,

6.7 stable brings the ability to fire an event after a specific session event, you pick, happens. See more details at
