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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Under Review

Collect additional information to General Information tab (System Utilization, Security Section, DHCP, Gateway, DNS)

EBell 6 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 6 years ago 3 1 duplicate

 It would be nice to have a graph for CPU utilization as well. 

Can you also add a section for Security to include:

  • Windows Firewall status
  • Anti-Virus
  • Anti-Malware

To the Network section add:

  • DHCP Status
  • Default Gateway
  • DNS Server

    var commandText = "$computer = get-wmiobject win32_computersystem | select Manufacturer, Model, Domain" + "\n" +
                    "$bios = get-wmiobject win32_bios | select Name, SerialNumber" + "\n" +
                    "$av = get-wmiobject -Namespace \"root/SecurityCenter2\" -Class AntiVirusProduct | select displayName" + "\n" +
                    "$as = get-wmiobject -Namespace \"root/SecurityCenter2\" -Class AntiSpywareProduct | select displayName" + "\n" +
                    "$network = get-wmiobject Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration |Where {$_.ipaddress -notlike $null}| select DHCPEnabled, DHCPServer,IPAddress, DefaultIPGateway" + "\n" +
                    "write-output $computer.Manufacturer, $computer.Model, $bios.Name, $bios.SerialNumber, $computer.Domain, $network.DHCPEnabled, $network.DHCPServer, $network.IPAddress, $network.DefaultIPGateway, $av.displayName, $as.displayName| ConvertTo-Xml -As Stream";

Thank you.

Under Review

Share PC Audio when hosting a meeting

RDSN 6 years ago updated by Jeff Schuss 3 years ago 3

It would be great if you could provide a way to share PC audio over screen connect.


Store password only for the current session and remove on disconnect

Jim Medina 6 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 2 years ago 2

Password prompt to have an option to store the credentials only for the time the remote session is active and cleared on disconnect or on a time out, this would allow us to support our clients without having the liability of storing their passwords for our tech use or needing the client to be present every time we require to login to their account to test any changes


We have introduced a new product that meets this very need, ConnectWise Access Management. You can learn more here:
ConnectWise Access Management (CAM)

Pending Review

​Allow synchronizing a custom "consent to control" config from ConnectWise Automate to the Control server's config

Daniel von Verschuer 6 years ago 0

Example of such a config:

1. Remote sessions to servers can be established without consent

2. Remote sessions to workstations can only be established with user consent, unless there is an Extra Data Field checkbox checked on the client level saying "client agreed to allow remote sessions to workstations without consent".

For such a config, taking Control's HostSessionWithoutConsent (false for all, true for servers) flag into account is not enough as the Automate Extra Data Field can't be referenced. This means that the "consent to control" config in the Control web interface differs from the one in Automate.

Please find a way to apply the Automate "consent to control" config to remote sessions not only within Automate, but also when a session is started from the Control server's web interface. A given config for remote sessions has to be consistent through all platforms used in order to comply with regulations such as SIEM, GDPR or ISO.

Under Review

feedback survey post support session built into Screen Connect

Keith Cleverley 6 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 5 years ago 4

We have just moved from LMI Rescue to SC and heavily used the built in post session customer survey as it produced far more feedback than any CW or emailed survey.

I can see there is a post session survey which sends info to SC which looks ideal.

The reason for requesting this is that with LMI we can see the feedback for the customer linked to the engineer and the session information. 

This allows us to track back support sessions to support tickets and deal with negative feedback effectively, whereas with a third party survey tool we would lose the association with the service ticket/session.

Considering for Future Release

Allow for an IP address to be included in the connection configuration

Tony Dorman 6 years ago updated by dustin t shives 3 years ago 2

We have had 2 situations recently where the DNS server at a customer has gone down, which means we can no longer connect to the machines via Control.

Automate has a configuration that allows for a DNS name and an IP address in the configuration, which means when internal DNS stops, the agent continues to operate. 

We would like the Control configuration to allow for multiple connection options(To match how Automate works).

Considering for Future Release

Allow me to 'save' *after* making a bunch of changes to Security settings.

Welz 6 years ago updated 5 years ago 3
A. In previous versions of Screen Connect, I would make changes to a bunch of users/roles and then at the end hit Save which would then reload and apply the new info.
B. In the newer version, when I make a change to a user, it forces me to hit save which then reloads and applies that info - which is nice - if I just have 1 user to change. When I try making changes to multiple users it becomes extremely time consuming to keep on reloading everything.
I'm hoping for a little button which is titled "Reload after each change" (on/off) when it's on, it works as I described in B, when off, it works as described in A and then you can choose to hit save after completing all of your changes (which will initiate the reload). It can also include a pop-up dialog if you try closing the tab before saving, reminding you to save.

Enable / disable triggers

ist 6 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 5 years ago 6

This should be obvious. In Control triggers, there should be a simple checkbox for each trigger to enable / disable the trigger. Yes, I know we can add a AND 0 or something to that effect but it would be nicer to simply turn off a trigger without deleting it.

Considering for Future Release

Proxy config for the server

Gennady Sorochan 6 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 6 years ago 2

Please allow on premise ScreenConnect Control server to be able to connect to the internet via proxy server.

Allow to specify both proxy address and port.

This is necessary for the on premise server located on the corporate network and don't have free access to outside.

Considering for Future Release

On access control, listen to both speakers and microphone

wberger 6 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 3 1 duplicate

As an administrator, I would like the ability to connect in to the machines in the access control page and listed to both their microphone input and speaker output.  From my testing, I can only listen to one of the channels at a time.

My scenario is this:

I work at a call center and have remote access to all machines on the floor.  As a QA function, I would like to watch the call center agent's screen(s) and listen to their phone call at the same time.

Someone else posted about this several years ago and I am looking to address the same functionality: https://controlforum.connectwise.com/yaf_postst4820_Sound-Settings-to-Listen.aspx