Your comments

Depending on the number of machines you have on your instance, a web.config change under GuestInfoRefreshSeconds may solve your problem. This allows it to refresh on the interval you choose.

The easiest way to keep the taskbar from being "set off" is to right click on the taskbar and deselect "fullscreen when maximized." Hope this helps! Let me know if you have a further request, or if this meets your needs. 

To search using our session group filter syntax, enter "##" followed by the session group filter. For example: ## Name LIKE 'SAVANNAH'. This doc should be able to answer any further questions you have about this:

Hi Timothy, 

I am unable to duplicate the problem you've highlighted. The ability to select stroke thickness during a session is available in the annotation menu. Please let me know if there is additional information I may be missing, or if your problem has been solved.