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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Filtering in Customer Portal

jhooper 3 years ago 0

It would be good for our users who have access to the CW Customer Portal to have access to more filtering options. They are currently only given the option to filter on Open/Closed tickets but a search or way to exclude certain results would be helpful.

Pending Review

Customise the Quick Support SOS

James Wooldridge 3 years ago 0

It is critical if we were to use this option to be able to add, remove fields and change labels on this application As well as add startup options enabling specific client information to passed back to control.

Pending Review

Email connector support receiving O365 / RMS "Encrypt-Only" emails.

Joe Mastro 3 years ago 0

We have a specific request from a customer to apply RMS template "Encrypt-Only" for all emails to and from our organizations using Exchange rules on both ends.  We've had to put an exception to one of the rules that if their organization sends email to our support connector email to NOT apply the RMS Template "Encrypt-Only" because, well, then it comes in with an RMS template and there is not way to view the content of this email.

I am opening this feature request because I said that I would based on our conversation with our client -- in that conversation I also made mention that on CW's end it still may not be technically possible but would open this feature request anyway.

Thank you!

Pending Review

Send keystrokes to VMWare ESXi console

Rick Miller 3 years ago 0

Now that we live in a security first world, our clients have passwords that are 25 characters or longer.  Adding functionality to control so we can send keystrokes to an ESXi console session would be a nice productivity boost for our technicians.  Please consider.  Thanks.

Pending Review

Remote printing while using ScreenConnect from a MAC

flyjake12 3 years ago 0

I'm using ScreenConnect from a Mac to control a Windows PC.  The remote printing option is not offered - how do I resolve this?

Pending Review

Individual and Global Theme settings

Bryce T Becker 3 years ago 0 2 duplicates

Allow for themes to be set Globally (Already a "feature" but is currently the only settings) and allow for individual users to either pick from the same list or a restricted list for setting their own theme in ConnectWise Control's screen connect website.

Pending Review

Allow favorite commands to be added to the toolbar as primary shortcuts in ScreenConnect

jonathan picard 3 years ago 0

Allow favorite commands to be added to the toolbar as primary shortcuts in ScreenConnect

For exemple, instead of clicking the lightning button (Essentials) to access "Send Ctrl-Alt-Del", it could be marked as favorite and directly available on the toolbar.

Image 990

Pending Review

Restrict access by day and time per user

John T 3 years ago updated by Karama 2 months ago 1

I would like certain remote workforce users to only be able to access their remote machine at certain times of the day. For example, we may have a user who only needs to get in to accomplish a task once a week on Saturday from 8-10am. I would like the ability to lock it down where they can only access during that window. 

I found a 'limited page access' extension that does this but for all users.

Pending Review

Ability to CHOOSE which GUEST monitors to blank on a computer with 2 or more monitors

Ronnie Alcorn 3 years ago 0

It would be nice when I remote into a computer that has 2 or more monitors, if I could choose which displays I would like to blank.

Example:  One screen might be displaying cameras, which is fine for anyone to see, but the other screen may be displaying private business financials or payroll which is personal.  So there is a need to see the cameras, but not the other.  

Another example.  Perhaps a person is doing remote training with remote clients for a business.   The person with the training demo has 3 monitors, perhaps he only wants to share 1 monitor so the others do not see the other 2 monitors.

There are many ideas, but clients have been specifically asking for this.

Pending Review

Ability to programmatically check if license / maintenance is valid for upgrade

Alex Heylin 3 years ago 0

Support Ticket #15223402

Need ability to programmatically check if the license is valid for upgrades, and get max licensed version if not. 

This is partly because when run non-interactive upgrades ignore if the license check fails and installs the upgrade anyway, which then breaks the instance. See https://control.product.connectwise.com/en/communities/1/topics/3879-sc-server-msi-should-abort-upgrade-if-license-check-fails-even-without-interactive-gui for details of that

Ability to programmatically check license state / upgrade eligibility would also allow us to have our monitoring system monitor for license expiration to ensure any missed renewal is renewed ASAP. Local script / PowerShell etc preferred.