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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Need Save Chat Feature

Brandon Davis 1 year ago 0

Hi there,

We really need the ability to save a Chat session. Even when we contact Connect Wise Support, there's a "Save Transcript" option in the hamburger menu to the left of the chat box. Seems odd that CW saves chats, but we, users cannot. 

I have customers that want us to send them entire chat sessions and the only way to do it is to highlight everything and paste it into a file. 

Again, we really need this feature.

Very Respectfully,


Pending Review

Automatically Delete a Session

support 1 year ago 0

Request to have a ended session automatically deleted in ConnectWise Control.

When my techs use ConnectWise Control there role is setup to ask the user on the other end permission to connect however if they complete their task with the user, the session is ended the old session just sits out there. If a tech were to try to use the old session it would automatically allow them to remote into that users machine without prompting the user. I am requesting instead of each tech having to go in and delete their session each time there done with the user to have it automatically delete itself. This used to be a function available in really old versions of ConnectWise Control. 


Backstage - Lock on Disconnect

B-Rad 1 year ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 1 year ago 6

Already seen - https://control.product.connectwise.com/communities/1/topics/3993-add-setting-to-allow-backstage-to-not-lock-when-lock-on-disconnect-is-enabled

But that does not address the issue I'm seeing.

Quick Settings > Lock Guest Machine > Access is checked, Support is unchecked. 

When we connect via backstage the client is not alerted, but when we close our session, the clients screen locks. This seems to defeat the purpose of backstage. The only way to fix this that I'm currently aware of is to disable the lock guest machine option for access. We would like to keep locking Access sessions when disconnecting. 

I request that another check box be added to distinguish backstage as a separate lock guest machine when host disconnections option. 

Pending Review

Ability To Display A Custom Alert/Note Pop-Up When Connecting To A Specific Machine

vipersb1 2 years ago updated 2 years ago 0


I've been using Connect Wise Control on a daily basis for many years and there is one feature that I want beyond all others.

That is the ability to add a custom message to a specific machine/device that pops-up and displays the custom message when connecting. This feature would be incredibly useful to us, and I imagine many others.

You could display unique information on a device by device basis and be sure that anyone connecting is aware of that information.



Pending Review

backstage toolbar disappear

Peter OTools 2 years ago updated 2 years ago 0

1 out of 10 maybe? the toolbar on Backstage mode just doesn't show up

Version is the latest one

no error of connection given for long time connected (and it shows green both side, see image)

in this case is a win 11 home, but I can watch next time to find out if the is a culprit, but i don't thing so, maybe, idk.

Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.22000.1574]

Whoever this happened to, please share it here.

Image 1142

Confirmed, it is not a win 11 issue, this is another pc where it works ok

Image 1143

Under Review

Simpler unassignment of machine to user

alex 2 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 2 years ago 1

In CW Control, currently the only way to unassign a user from a machine is to remove the entry in the notes field. A centralized location in Security that lists machines assigned to users with a simple delete/remove option would be simpler. 

Pending Review

The ability to block all sessions / traffic by country

Tyler Bamberg 2 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 2 years ago 1

Ability to block all sessions from logging in / starting from specific countries even if the account is authenticated.


Control uses CIDR to restrict or allow access to pages like the Host Page or Admin page.  You should be able to generate the CIDR for specific countries and enter them in the Advanced Configuration Editor
Advanced Configuration Editor - ConnectWise

Pending Review

Allow SAML login on the Remote Workforce client

JamesEN 2 years ago updated by pat 2 years ago 1

Many of our users use the Remote Workforce client to connect to their PCs however it seems that you can only login to internal accounts on the client. Can support be added for SAML login on the client?

Pending Review

Is there a way to password protect at unattended (Access) session before it starts, and before a "command" is executed?

business 2 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 2 years ago 1

Is there a way to password protect at unattended (Access) session before it starts, and before a "command" is executed?

One of my users was compromised and created a new admin account (since deleted).... even though my guy has 1 32 character password and MFA....


Password Protect unattended session is not a Control feature, but we recommend a couple of things here: