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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Option to run Shared Toolbox items as SYSTEM instead of prompting for UAC in user session

Ryan Black 2 years ago 0

We would like to be able to run elevated scripts against multiple devices using the Shared Toolbox in the Access web interface.  These scripts run silently without user interaction.  We can select multiple machines and run scripts against them, but when "Run Tool Elevated" is checked we get mixed behavior.  The scripts will work as expected for systems with no logged-in user, running as SYSTEM with full privileges and no UAC prompts.  However, if a limited user is logged in and Run Tool Elevated is checked, they will receive a UAC prompt which they inevitably cancel because they do not have access.  This severely limits the functionality of what is otherwise an awesome tool.  Here is a mock-up of roughly what we're looking for.

Image 1088

Pending Review

Update to IOS ConnectWise Control APP

wkappes 2 years ago 0

Would love to see an update to the much outdated ConnectWise Control app on the IOS app store. Additions for keyboard support, I.E. Apple's Magic Keyboard, and multi displays. It would be great to incorporate multi display gestures to allow switch between monitors while using a trackpad or touch.

IOS App store link

Pending Review

Allow scripted updating of stored credentials

tmontney 2 years ago 0

Per support, the credentials are stored C:\Program Data\ScreenConnect Client (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)\user.config with this, for Windows. Even as NT Service\SYSTEM, it fails to unprotect. I believe this is because ScreenConnect uses the optional argument entropy.

For those of us that use LAPS, updating the stored credential is essential. The feature should do one of the following:

  • Allow ScreenConnect.ClientService.exe to be called with parameters to replace the credential.
  • Use Windows Credential Manager instead of CryptProtectData.
  • Explain how to use the CryptProtectData class. If entropy is used, list the value somewhere and/or allow it to be configurable.
Pending Review

Report Dashboard

marcus256 2 years ago updated by HC-Russell 2 years ago 1

Please bring back the Report Dashboard extension.  It provides a simple method for creating a host (or access) connectios report over a given timeframe.  Specifying a start/stop date, session type, and company (or site, etc.) allowed me to collect billable time easier than running one of the canned reports in Report Manager.  Now I need to massage data in Excel...convert duration seconds and formating data to display HH:MM:SS.  Times are exported as UTC, which means more gymnastics to get useful data.  Dashboard did all of this with a few clicks.

Pending Review

Block being able to open multiple client windows to the same guest by the same user

lburtts 2 years ago 0

When double clicking on a guest PC that I'm already connected to, it allows me to open a duplicate sessions with the same guest and same exact session. Please add a feature to disable this. There should be an option to restrict connections to 1 per user to the same guest. Other users can connect simultaneously to the same session but the same user should not be able to connect to one guest with multiple client windows.

Pending Review

Report device where Agent try´s to connect to ConnectWise instance

Christian Walch 2 years ago 0

I´m searching for a method, where I can report device, which have a running ConnectWise Agent installed, but are not visible within the ConnectWise Console due to some circumstances.

I´m thinking about a Log Entry for OnPremise Servers or a Trigger Functionality.

Pending Review

Control session consent timeout per session group

Christopher Davis 2 years ago updated 2 years ago 1

We need the ability to control consent timeout per session group. We have seperate server/workstation session groups. We have set wait for consent on a few of the workstation session groups per requirements from those companies. We want to setup wait for consent for all companies but set a 15, 30, or 60 minute timeout for all clients except the ones that require it all the time. Currently if we enable timeout for consent it is a global option. Please allow granular control on this! 

Pending Review

Record last connection date - permanently

Ian Murphy 2 years ago 0

We use Control with Automate and have several hundred agents connecting to the server.

We use the standard maintenance tools to clean up old metadata. 

The problem is, one of the things which is cleared is the date of last connection - the LastConnectedEventTime field

This is a very useful bit of information to have when you have a lot of agents connecting but the maintenance scripts scrub this data.

Is there any way to preserve it?

for your information, I have a session group defined with this in the subgroup expression field:

IIF(GuestConnectedCount > 0, 'Online Now', 'Last connection ' + IIF(SUBSTRING(CONVERT(LastConnectedEventTime,System.String),1,2) IN ('10','11','12'), SUBSTRING(CONVERT(LastConnectedEventTime,System.String),1,2) + IIF(SUBSTRING(CONVERT(LastConnectedEventTime,System.String),6,1)='/', SUBSTRING(CONVERT(LastConnectedEventTime,System.String),6,5), SUBSTRING(CONVERT(LastConnectedEventTime,System.String),5,5)), SUBSTRING(CONVERT(LastConnectedEventTime,System.String),1,1) + IIF(SUBSTRING(CONVERT(LastConnectedEventTime,System.String),5,1)='/', SUBSTRING(CONVERT(LastConnectedEventTime,System.String),5,5), SUBSTRING(CONVERT(LastConnectedEventTime,System.String),4,5)))), CustomProperty1)

This allows me to see machines which have not connected recently, but displays 1/0001 for machines which haven't connected in a couple of months.

Pending Review

Multiple roles to a user

Ashs 2 years ago updated by Rishikesh Gajul (Product Manager) 2 years ago 1

We have SAML authentication set up for ConnectWise Control with Azure. The roles are defined in app manifest in Azure and correponding roles in ConnectWise.

In Azure AD, we can only assign a single role to a user. I would like the ability to assign a single user to multiple roles