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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

connectwise university training video playback rate of speed

Wesley Franks 3 years ago updated 3 years ago 4

The speed of connectwise university training videos is way too slow and I would like to request a feature in where you can do the following when a video is present:

0.25x, 0.50x, 0.75x, 1x, 1.25x, 1.5x, 1.75x, 2x playback rate of speed. 

The videos are helpful, but going through them it's unnecessarily slow for those whom would like to speed it up a bit or have the choice to do so.

Pending Review

Universal binary

TomC 3 years ago 0

Add universal binary for Mac host and guest. 

Pending Review

Allow programmatic authentication to the Reporting API (Report Manager)

Joel Miles 3 years ago updated by Jlhaase 1 year ago 1

It would very helpful to be able to programmatically authenticate to the Reporting API (or even just the /Report.json endpoint) in order to script the retrieval and consumption of this data.

Pending Review

Generate session reports based on roles

jlehman 3 years ago 0

I would like to generate session reports based on the role. Currently it is all or nothing which lists every participant name in the report. I would like to separate internal versus external users. 

Pending Review

Please remove the multifactor authentication code from subject line of multifactor authentication emails

aSysAdmin 3 years ago 0

The multifactor authentication code sent to email is very useful, as everyone will agree. Email subject lines, though, are not a good place to display the code, IMHO. People can glance at desktop email notifications, inbox lists that display subject lines, and smartphone notifications too easily. I suggest only putting the code in the body of the email so users can choose exactly when the code is visible on their screen(s).

Pending Review

Dynamic Session Groups by Hostname

Steve Duke 3 years ago 0

Please add the ability to create a dynamic Sub-Folder structure where you can use the computer's hostname.  

For example, our company puts the site code in the first part of the hostname. 123-KDHFBSI.  Where '123' is the site code.  So you would want to dynamically create a subfolder structure based on the SUBSTRING(HOSTNAME, 1.3).  That way you would then see folders containing computers that had the same first three characters or site code in my example.  

Currently, you have to manually build these groups one at a time using the static filter expression. (Name like '123*')

Pending Review

Print feature with access.

Brian Hughes 3 years ago 0

Capable of printing Session General Info, Timeline, Notes, etc. Or at least an option to save all the info to .pdf

The problem is unless I have the client installed through access when I end the session all the info is gone.  Have a print feature with the above-listed items, hard copy or digits, would help for high tempo time periods for billing later on.  

Pending Review

Search across all session groups including custom session groups with filters applied.

Ilya Kaplan 3 years ago 0

Right now the search is only looking at 'Clients', 'Machines',  and 'Operating Systems' when displaying results if not found in a particular session group that is selected.  

I need it to point out other custom session groups where the session/computer is residing.

Pending Review

SAML Authentication for Connector desktop application

Ilya Kaplan 3 years ago 0

We use azureAD for authentication, would be great if the same was available from the Connector desktop application. It's not useable for us at its current state as we don't have internal users.

Pending Review

remove login link from home page

matt 3 years ago 0

Just allow a hidden url, ie. mycompany.screenconnect.com/login