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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

encrypt the app.config file

Mike Randles 3 years ago updated 3 years ago 0

Add the ability to encrypt the app.config file so that users can't change the admin settings that are set for PCI.

Thank you

Pending Review

Client instruction dialogue for consenting to macOS Privacy settings

Alastair 3 years ago 0

Our helpdesk team has been hassling for us to get TeamViewer, mostly because it has a really nice dialogue for managing the macOS Privacy consent options. It has with red icons and buttons to re-trigger access which pops up to help users understand what still needs to be done on the client side. Our helpdesk team often complains this can be the biggest issue assisting some of our clients - they can spend 30 minutes trying to talk "less experienced" users through the install and allowing screen recording etc, just for a two minute problem. 

Being able to remote trigger the window to pop-up or bring to the front when the connection is established, some basic graphics or animations to visually cue what the user is meant to be doing could be an improvement on this.

It doesn't seem like Apple will let us control this via profile any time soon.

Other suggestions appreciated.

Kind regards,


Pending Review

Export Users, Access Sessions and Roles to CSV

Lexi Whitworth 3 years ago 0

I would like to be able to see a list of Users, Access Sessions and Roles to CSV.

Under Review

Sort options for Access Computers list/section

JamieM 3 years ago updated by Scott Beeson (OMGWTF) 5 months ago 2

Under "Access" for the unattended with the agent installed, it would be nice to be able to have sort/search options for the list to sort by computer name, user, for example.  I know I can create groups that allows for filters, but some sorting options would be VERY convenient (unless I'm totally missing something and it exists already... ?)

Pending Review

Feature to retain Connectivity when formatting PC

Rodney Pairrett 3 years ago updated by TechCare 3 years ago 1

In a case where we have an employee exiting, we will connect remotely to their PC and wipe it / format it, so that it can be passed along to the next employee assuming their position. When we initiate the format process, Connectwise gets wiped from the PC and then we are stuck talking someone through the process of re-loading Connectwise so that we can load the PC for the new employee. What we would like is a way for Connectwise to not get wiped / erased at the time of formatting the PC.

Pending Review

The Control remote printer should remain the default printer at the next remote session like LogMeIn

BruceR 3 years ago 0

The Control remote printer should remain the default printer at the next remote session - like LogMeIn.

Pending Review

Ability to 'Assign machine...' to non-admin user roles

mscott 3 years ago 0

Currently the only way to get the option to assign a user to a machine is with the Administrator role.  This also give a LOT more access that what is needed.  Would like to see this option be available to assign to custom roles.

Pending Review

Find if TPM module is installed

eric 3 years ago 0

Is there is a way to view installed hardware via screen connect? Looking to see if there is an easy way to view if TPM module is installed for the upcoming Windows 11 requirement

Pending Review

exclude results from search

Addison Hosea 3 years ago 0

I'd like to search Summary Description but exclude if a specified word appears.

Example 1 is to search Summary Description for *backup but exclude from results if word successful is included in Summary Description.

Example 2 is to search Summary Description of open tickets for *Quickbooks but exclude if ticket belongs to company ABC 

This would be really helpful in searching a company history with thousands of tickets. Exclude tickets with "backup" in Summary Description, then be able to reduce search results further by excluding word "successful", then reduce search results further by excluding resource "*ah".