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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Stop remote session option for end user

lpeters 3 years ago 0

End user should be able to end the remote session via button on the screen and a key combo. See several security risk with users not being able to stop a session in anyway. Ending in task manager does not work and/or requires admin permission in our environment. A key combo would also be nice in an instance that they can't regain mouse control from the person remoted in.

Pending Review

Session Group: Recently Accessed the last x (hours, days, ...) from Support employee

Christian Walch 3 years ago 0

The Scenario:

We have a increased number of colleagues, who are using access sessions within our corporate network.

Those support employee´s are connecting regulary to the same machines.

So I tried to extend the filter similar to a build in one: Recently Accessed the filter looks like: "LastHostConnectedEventTime > $1DAYSAGO"

But those filter show all clients to all support employee´s, which has been accessed whin the choosen timeframe.

Improvement: The filter should only show Clients which have been accessed from an employee itself - NOT All.

Right now I have Similar Access Group in place, which displays devices, where the support employee is Logged on.

Filter looks like: 

((SUBSTRING(GuestLoggedOnUserName,2,8) = SUBSTRING((SUBSTRING($USERLOGINNAME,1,(LEN($USERLOGINNAME) - 14))),2,8)) AND SUBSTRING(GuestLoggedOnUserName,2,1) IN ('0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9')) OR
((SUBSTRING(GuestLoggedOnUserName,4,6) = (SUBSTRING($USERLOGINNAME,1,(LEN($USERLOGINNAME) - 14)))) AND SUBSTRING(GuestLoggedOnUserName,1,3) IN ('Administrator','System'))

Pending Review

Detect browser version correctly when setting up a support session

Paul Cutts 3 years ago updated by TechCare 3 years ago 4

When a new support session is initiated the customer gets a generic message to locate the download client file in the browser window. Many customers requiring ad-hoc support are not computer experts, so finding the download is often an issue for them. Edge has two locations depending on version, Chrome and Firefox have different locations yet the message tot eh customer is always the same.

Modification of the process is request to correctly identify the browser and version to correctly identify the location and method required to access the downloaded client file. 

Pending Review

ability to view assigned users for a given machine

Earle Kirkley 3 years ago 0

Need to be able to see which users have been assigned to a machine in Control. 

Pending Review

Upgrade Annoucements

Sean Keown 3 years ago 0

Cloud Instances should send out an announcement that an upgrade is about to be preformed and the instance ID. It shouldn't be a surprise when the system goes down. 

Pending Review

Need a simple way to restart Cloud Instances

Sean Keown 3 years ago updated 3 years ago 2

There should be a simple dropdown to restart cloud instances that are having issues. 

Image 958

Pending Review

Add the possibility to set Triggers for Security Events

Christian Walch 3 years ago 0

Currently the Security Events are only available within the Audit Log.

Create the possibility to handle those Events the same way as Session Events are currently handled - create the possible to use it within the trigger functionality. And also extend the "Send Syslog Messages" Extension - so those can also be handeled there.

right now - its hard to check the AuditLogs every single day if there are events, someone should react to.

Trigger functionality allows us to send Mails - if certain events occur - just as an example

Pending Review

Disk sizes and manufacturer/model in session group filters, percentage free, SMART status, etc.

Samuel Flint 3 years ago 0

We filter systems by OS, memory size, memory free.

It would be very useful to filter a group by disk % free to know if we should try to cleanup temp files/etc, let our clients know it is time to upgrade disks.

Disk manufacturer/model would also be useful.

SMART status would be very useful, help us detect predictive failures.

Pending Review

create the ability to block the client update notification

Christian Walch 3 years ago updated 3 years ago 0

create the ability to block the client update notification 

Scenario: the Client update notification pops up after each serverversion upgrade - 

There should be a settings which suppress the client update notification

Reason: Some companies do use different software distribution to update the ConnectWise Agents like Baramundi, Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager or Tivoli and the current update notification causes some issues, which needs to be worked around.

Pending Review

Configuration Change Auditing

gprscrprs 3 years ago 0

Configuration changes should be logged.  e.g., changes to internal users, session group changes, changes to permissions and roles, etc.