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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Unlock user accounts

Snails 1 year ago 0

There's currently no way to unlock a user account other than resetting the password. The last time this was posted looks to be about six years ago, and yet this basic, basic feature is still missing. Any chance this will ever be added?

Pending Review

Ability to Approve newly installed unattended access devices before they are added

jeff weinman 1 year ago 0

If installers get in the wrong hands, unknown unattended access devices are added. This could allow an adversary to gather information about a ScreenConnect instance to potentially attack it. Additionally, it's common to get rogue devices show up. When unattended access is installed, we would like the device to go into a holding position and need approval before it's fully accessible in the system. Our RMM does this and it works well. Ideally, there should be minimal communication with the agent while it's waiting for approval to avoid an adversary mapping things out.

Pending Review

require approval when technician enables microphone

Angelos 1 year ago updated by Sean Keown 1 year ago 1

as GDPR in europe is a killer - we had from multiple clients and users the request to secure the "remote microphone" enable option. (i.e. for a technician to enable the remote microphone) as this may be a security thing as they will not know when it is done.

as a solution - we would need a parameter setting which would force the remote client to get a popup to consent/approve when someone wants to enable his microphone (or audio). apparently it is not acceptable for GDPR not to have this consent.

Pending Review

Add option/button to reconnect back to a Session at timeout.

Roger Rickard 1 year ago 0

At the moment, the only options are to accept that you have been disconnected from a session. Often this can happen during the middle of an operation, or while working on multiple machines. Without adequate history per User, there should be a button that allows you to extend the session, effectively reconnecting to the same guest and starting a new session, reconnect or close.

Pending Review

Revert back to old time on UX/Front End

David Wilson 1 year ago updated 1 year ago 6

The new "Use more descriptive frontend date-time formats" in UI/UX is not really what we were looking for. yesterday @ 10:12pm really isn't a good way to describe what is going on when comparing log files to other systems either.

Is there a way to revert this back to the traditional MM-DD-YY 00:00:00 time frame?


The full date is visible by hovering over the element:


Automatic update of client

JohnnyboyTX 1 year ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 1 year ago 3

I searched and couldn't come up with anything - is there ANY way to automatically update my Guests client version?  It seems like every time I login, I have to manually 'reinstall' to get to the latest version, and I've got 60+ computers with unattended access, so it seems like I'm always doing this.

Pending Review

Connect from any Linux host

Josh Stump 1 year ago updated by Alfredo Gualda 4 months ago 4

Testing 23.5 series... It breaks ability for me to connect from Solus Linux cause new way wants to run a .sh file that in turn tries to install via .Deb or .rpm packages... Which Solus doesn't use.  Previously it downloaded a .jnlp file which I launched just fine.  Perhaps using .appimage or flatpak can produce better universal results?

Pending Review

Stopped working on android!!

Vlad 1 year ago 0

Why did it stopped working on android? Only works with IOS, Is this something they are trying to fix?

Pending Review

Urgent Request for Modification in Screen Connect EXE Handling to Enhance Client Trust and Ease of Use

Jaco Lange 1 year ago 0

I hope this message finds you well.

Recently, we've encountered an issue that's affecting the ease of our operations and our clients' trust in our services. The problem relates to the way antivirus software, notably Norton, Kaspersky, and Eset, handles Screen Connect's executable file (EXE). 

These antivirus solutions often flag the EXE as potentially harmful, causing concern among our clients and impeding the smooth operation of our remote support services.

This issue has become particularly pressing in the wake of recent supply chain attacks, which have made users more aware and cautious about potential security threats. When our remote support software is flagged as suspicious, it understandably raises concerns and trust issues among our clients.

The current process, wherein a dynamically created EXE is downloaded and scrutinized by antivirus software, often results in a delay that can cause significant inconvenience and frustration for both our technicians and end-users. Sometimes, this delay forces us to resort to alternatives like Anydesk and TeamViewer, which we initially aimed to avoid.

As a potential solution to this issue, we suggest implementing a method similar to what Anydesk and TeamViewer utilize. A single, standardized EXE for remote access could be created that would prompt the user to enter a code upon execution. 

This could drastically reduce the instances of the software being flagged as potentially harmful, improving the user experience and maintaining the trust of our clients.

We urge you to consider this recommendation as soon as possible, as the current situation is affecting our client relationships and the efficiency of our operations. We believe this change would be beneficial not only for us but for all users of Screen Connect.

We're looking forward to your positive response and would be more than happy to discuss this further if needed.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Best regards,


Pending Review

Please allow Alt+Tab to work!

jvilleneuve 1 year ago 0

When I login to my computer from home using ScreenConnect, the Alt+Tab feature does not work. I need to flip between Google Chrome and my work software 100's of times. Using the mouse to click on the Chrome icon or my software icon on the bottom of my screen is time consuming when I could simply be using keystrokes.

It used to work... and now, somehow it still works VERY randomly. It's not my keyboard... I checked on that.