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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Prevent accidental session disconnect exit

Bub 4 years ago 0

Operating in "Full screen while maximized" mode the ConnectWise session menu is hidden and is triggered to reappear by the mouse touching the top of the screen.

When attempting to exit [X] a maximized application on the host system, the ConnectWise client menu can often be triggered and the client session is exited [X] mistakenly.

Turning off "full screen while maximized" is not a good solution. Users want to be *truly* full screen maximized.

Closing an application and closing the session should not be so easily confused. It takes a real effort more carefully close host applications without ending your session my mistake.

Suggestions on how to alleviate this unfortunate UX.

1) Left justify the client's Minimize Restore Close to get them physically away from the same functions of the underlying application on the host.

2) Add an adjustable delay timer for the session menu to reappear.

3) Add an optional confirmation dialog to end session.

4) Add an option for the session menu to be on the side of the screen.

Pending Review

Option to customize session group formatting (color, bold, etc) based on number of matching agents

greg 4 years ago 0

It would be useful to be able to customize the appearance of a session group's name in the list depending on whether the number of matching agents is above/below a specified threshold.  This would allow some groups to visually stand out in various situations.  For example, a group matching offline servers could turn red and/or bold when there are any offline servers.

Pending Review

The Ability to Access the Speakers when Connecting to a Mac

Scott I 4 years ago 0

My problem is this:
When I connect to a Mac Client, which is one of the computers in my access tab, I cannot hear the speakers when sound is playing on the PC that I am using to access the Mac. 

When checking with Connectwise Support, I was told that this is a limitation of  all Mac clients. Apple uses java which can't send sound. Two-way communication only occurs for Windows Clients.

When can we get access to hearing the sound on the Mac Client? This is very important to my continued use of this product. Thanks!

Pending Review

Change Cloud Administrator Account

brandon 4 years ago updated by Rishikesh Gajul (Product Manager) 4 years ago 1

I would like to change the name of the "Cloud Administrator Account" that shows up on the clients computers that I remote into to either the technician name or my business name so that the client knows that is is me that is remoting in. 


Hi Brandon,

Thanks for reaching out to us. The "Cloud Account Administrator" name that appears in-session cannot be changed/modified.

We would recommend to create a new user instead of changing it. Use below link to see the steps to create a new user:

Pending Review

Control Agent online/offline in report

Vladimir4757 4 years ago updated by Rishikesh Gajul (Product Manager) 4 years ago 1

We need a feature for our reports to indicate whether or not an agent is online or offline. The green bar under the guest section doesn't translate well into report form and having to use the guestinfoupdatetime is too cumbersome and too inaccurate for what we need. If we could just have a field that indicates whether the agent is offline (ala AutoMate) it'd make generating a report far more intuitive.

Pending Review

Session Filter for "Pending activity"

NetSuccess 4 years ago 0

It would be great if the session group filter would include "Pending activity".

For this property, count and "well known" activities should be available parameters ...

We would need that to see which devices are still in the "ReInstall" state after an upgrade and also to eliminate the state where there are multiple ReInstall activities scheduled for the same device since the upgrade was triggered from various session groups - or by accident.

I consider it a bug that you can schedule multiple reinstall on the same device, but this is another topic ...

Pending Review

Stealth Installation of Access Client

dhoch 4 years ago 0

We've had a situation where it would be helpful to install the Connectwise Control Access Client in a way that is not visible to the end user.  To be clear, the installation will be done prior to the user being issued the computer, so it is not a matter of doing the install in a hidden way.  It is after the Access Client is installed and running on the computer, while the user is working on the machine, we'd like to ensure that the Access Client is not visible or detectable to the end user. 

I understand that this can be done on a global basis from the Connectwise Control server, but in our situation we'd like to make this change for just a few machines.  The majority of the computers registered to our server can stay just as they are.


Pending Review

have additional color options for the Embedded Theme. Right now its only going to allow Red.

Yanir Dahan 4 years ago updated by mpaige 2 years ago 1

have additional color options for the Embedded Theme.

Right now its only going to allow Red.

Pending Review

Add support for RSA SecurID Access to Multifactor Authentication options

Dunatis 4 years ago 0

Request to add support for RSA SecurID Access as another Multifactor Authentication option.

Pending Review

Limited Page Access

Matt Berry 4 years ago 0

Any chance of making permissions on this extension a little more granular?

I'd like to be able to control by company and/or role.
