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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Turn off Message Client Icon

Mark Elson 4 years ago 0

It would be good to disable the Message option on the client machine when you right-click & select Open from the system tray without having to remove the chat functionality completly.

Pending Review

Ability to prepopulate the Unattended URL on Chrome OS Install from Google Management Console App Deployment

Nicholas A. Hay 4 years ago 0

Able to deploy the ScreenConnect app and have it point to our screenconnect server automatically without the user having to type in the unattendend access URL.  I am an education customer, and with web filters and other tools we have similar functionality, there is usually a feature where we can deploy apps with a custom Extension ID and URL for items like this.

Pending Review

Disconnect a host pass user

Richard Gill 4 years ago 0

If someone has access to a machine via a Host Pass, there is no way to disconnect them from the endpoint

The session can be disconnected by a ConnectWise admin but not by the end user.


Permission to connect?

rob webster 4 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 1 year ago 3

Have a pop up appear on our control panel that before we connect to a client it asks us if we want to request approval before connecting? if we say yes it would in theory then send them a pop up on there PC to say we ant to connect allow or reject? if we say no then it lets us connect in without warning. (this would be on every connection that is made)

Pending Review

Ability to change Access agent url for Android Access Agents

Dimel 4 years ago 0

We have dozens of smart display panels in classrooms that run an Android variant. We want to install the Access agent on these panels so we can remotely connect to and manage these Android devices. 

According to these instructions: https://docs.connectwise.com/ConnectWise_Control_Documentation/Mobile_apps/Android/Set_up_unattended_access_to_an_Android_device, when we get to step 4 to have a user enter the URL for setting up their ConnectWise Control instance, an example URL we have to have them type, on a giant 85" display touchscreen, is something like: "https://hostname.com/?Session=1cdbb127-5839-4cf8-a3ed-d5e083257e20" (example sanitized URL). Is it possible to be able to have them type something shorter more human friendly, like "hostname.com/android"?

Pending Review

shortening the link to be sent or copied

greenmediapl 4 years ago 0

It would be great if the link to send or copy was shorter. It happens that the e-mail ends up in spam or, less experienced, users cannot cope with it

Pending Review

Revoke Host Session Connections Individually

BrownsNetwork 4 years ago 0

Since the dashboard only shows live data of who is connected, it would be helpful to have a place that shows who is tying up the licenses, versus having to revoke all our technicians at once!

Pending Review

All Machines group in Access tab for non-administrators

greg rupel 4 years ago updated 4 years ago 0

I would like a feature added like the admins have that has a group under the Access tab that is All Machines.   Currently, if you are not an admin and have several groups assigned to you you have no way to mass search except by going to each group and searching unlike the admins who has a group of All Machines.   I vote to create a feature to auto populates an All Machines that an individual might have permissions to and label it All Assigned Machines or something of that nature so a standard user does not have to go to each group to search for a device they might be looking for.  This has been a big request from the managers here at my company.

I know TeamViewer already has this ability so it would be nice if Connectwise Control had it as well.


Audit log should contain the "Account name", date and time and "IP Address" when a technician logs into the console.

tony mcmillan 4 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 2 years ago 1

This is not a feature request but, rather the report of a serious oversight in the contents of the audit log.

We were shocked to discover that the audit log does not display technician logins into the system. How do you know when there are logins to the system? The audit log only shows activities by technicians but not, when they login, at what date and time and from what IP address. 

Given the continued pressure of cyber events targeting this product, please add this base-line audit record to your product ASAP.

Thanks for listening.

Pending Review

Ability to configure a Content Security Policy (CSP)

Mandy Breedlove 4 years ago updated by Justin Mirsky 1 month ago 3

Content Security Policy (CSP) is an added layer of security that helps to detect and mitigate certain types of attacks, including Cross Site Scripting (XSS) and data injection attacks. These attacks are used for everything from data theft to site defacement to distribution of malware.