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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Change default location for saved session

Arron 11 months ago 0

I would like to see an option to save recorded ScreenConnect sessions on the data partition rather than the C: Drive.  The way the installation is now, there's no option for this.  Not very efficient when you have to bloat a C: drive to save data that could easily be saved on the data drive.  The added upside is you don't have to worry about locking up a c: drive. 

Pending Review

TimeDivision absolute date instead of relative date

c g 11 months ago updated 8 months ago 1


is there a possibility to have absolute dates instead of relative dates for the time divisions in the timeline?

Currently it says "today @ hh:mm:ss" or "X days ago @ hh:mm:ss" (translated from German) and it only shows the absolute date "Wednesday, 25.10.2023 @ hh:mm:ss" from the title text when you hover. This is not convenient. I would like to have the absolute date being the standard and have the relative date when you hover.

Is there an option for this? I couldn't find one. If not, can I add a custom JS file somehow to change it myself? Custom CSS won't do the trick here.



Pending Review

Would like the ability to give a user access to view and run a specific report without giving them admin access.

kselley 11 months ago 0

I have a user that would like to be able to run a report in control to see who has accessed machines with control and for how long they were connected. I have created the report but would like to give the user the ability to see and run the custom report without making him an admin.

Pending Review

Allow End User to setup MFA via a QR-Code during login if no MFA setup

Scott Byrd 11 months ago 0

Allow end users to setup Google/Microsoft MFA during login if no MFA setup via QR-Code.  Administrator should not have to set this up for end users.  We are on a cloud hosted instance using the Internal security database.

Pending Review

Elevate in RDP session

DTebs 11 months ago 0

Sounds like this did work and from Connectwise Chat I just had, now it doesn't.  Could we get this working again?

Image 1207

Pending Review

Carrier/PTR lookup on network IP?

Levi Hunting 12 months ago 0

Carrier/PTR lookup on network IP? Is there an option to perform and display the PTR record for a network IP address for a session?

Pending Review

virtual monitors for headless units

James Felstead 12 months ago 0

We've loved using connectwise, it's been a fantastic product but the inability to run headless units with virtual monitors is likely to force us to have to look at other products. Currently users connect onto their workstations in the office, which all have two physical monitors connected. 

We are looking to rack mount our HP Z-mini workstations to give us flexible seating etc and without this feature we'll have to look at something else such as HP Anyware. My initial investigation of this product was less than satisfactory! We'd much rather stick with Connectwise. 

Does anyone know if there is any likelihood of this feature being added in the foreseeable future? If not it would be better to know (but hopefully it might be). 

Thanks - James

Pending Review

allow automate to remove devices from portal via script.

Shayne 12 months ago updated by Michael Legato (Support) 12 months ago 1

While running the built in Offboarding script within Automate please allow Automate to remove device from the Screen Connect portal so that this does not have to be a manual process.

Pending Review

Request to remove Green Dot from Screen Connect Icon Tray

Razi Sadiq 12 months ago 0

We would like to request to remove green dot from ScreenConnect Icon Tray which will be populated when we took remote access.