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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!


Individual clipboard sharing during a shared remote session

jcc 12 months ago 0

We would like to have the possibility to have several hosts connected to the same guest using a remote session to be able to share their clipboards on a one-to-one basis with the guest.

This is kind of the opposite of the current clipboard sharing as described in the "Clipboard sharing during a remote session" article (https://docs.connectwise.com/ConnectWise_ScreenConnect_Documentation/Get_started/Host_client/Essentials_menu/Clipboard_sharing_during_a_remote_session).

This new feature would enable a user connected to a remote computer to share his computer clipboard with the remote computer clipboard, without sharing it with other users connected to that same remote computer.

We currently have several users remotely connecting to a specific computer and needing to copy/paste data to/from that remote computer during the day, and these copy/paste actions are interfering with the work of the other users connected to that same computer.

It would be perfect if a given user could copy/paste data from his computer to/from the remote computer, without affecting the contents of the clipboard of the other users's computers also connected to this same remote computer.

I understand that there is only one clipboard on the remote computer and that only one user should be using it at a given time. So an arbitration mechanism may be needed so that only one user can do copy/paste at a given point in time.


Ability To Remove "Make Session Public" from Ellipses Menu

Kyle Simpson 12 months ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 12 months ago 1

Image 1202

Could we get the ability to remove "Make Session Public" from the Ellipses menu?

swhite (Product Manager) 12 months ago

This can be accomplished by going to the Administrationupdating the key SessionInfoPanel.MakeSessionPublicVisible to Custom and setting the value to false.

Pending Review

Rewind session

zebs 12 months ago 0


Quite often I will get a customer to show me the steps to reproduce the problem, and sometimes will forget a part of the step.

It'd be useful in that scenario (any many others I'm sure) to have the ability to 'rewind' the session (a bit like a DVR) to replay something thats just happened.

Thank you

Pending Review

Clipboard History - Win+V

p holdom 1 year ago 0


Please can you add to a feature list the use of the Clipboard History i.e. Win+C or Win+V.

I find this super useful as it saves many ctrl+V presses.

Screen Connect does not allow to show this list and so pass the selected line item in to the remote session.

This feature does work in an RDP session, if you want to test how it can work

Pending Review

Screenconnect launch time needs extending

kieron 1 year ago 0

When I connect to a client, the screenconnect app sometimes takes more than a couple of seconds to launch. The browser GUI only allows three (3) seconds for the actual app to launch and many times the app takes slightly more than that... meaning that it then defaults to downloading the software AGAIN, even though the app eventually launches. This happens usually once a day meaning I'm constantly downloading the screenconnect application over and over, even though it's working fine.

If the browser application could wait just 2-3 more seconds until it makes a decision... it seems like 3 second default just isn't enough. OR could this be something that we can set locally to decide how long that wait time is.

Pending Review

Add Settings to disable Acquire Wake Lock globally

Jon Huynh 1 year ago updated by Michael Legato (Support) 1 year ago 1

We need to disable to feature globally.  

Pending Review

Turn off CLIPBOARD for host passes

pburgwin 1 year ago 0

If you share a session, the clipboard can pass through to the connected host passes clipboard, potentially giving them passwords in clear text. This also works in reverse where you can obtain passwords you shouldn't. So, a by default no clipboard for host passes would help to alleviate the need to manually turn off clipboard.

Pending Review

Blank guest monitor cutomize behavior per user

aghrabat 1 year ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 1 year ago 1

We should be able to set blank guest monitor as the default behavior in a per device or per user basis and not only system wide.  Alternatively being able to set a disconnect buffer of a few seconds or minutes after disconnect to disable all feature in the event of a network  fluctuation.

Pending Review

Users confused by instructions when setting up a support session

Phil G 1 year ago 0

Please remove "Joining" header and "Joining your session..." text from download screen when setting up a support session.  Users think this is a sign to stop reading and sit there quietly waiting for something to happen.  Also, please change text that reads "Click on the file in the bottom left corner of your browser to start launching the app." as all browsers currently in use by our clients now place the downloads button in the top right.