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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Add ability to filter on Join Mode for Sessions that are Invitation Only

lyle 8 months ago 0

When you use the Extension Guest Session Starter, when our clients use this and we do not know their name, there is no way to filter this into a session group as the only variable that makes it unique is "JOIN MODE" and the value Invitation Only.

We would like to be able to filter the Join Mode variable so we can group these sessions.


screenconnect relay timeout

RBerzi 8 months ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 8 months ago 1

After updating from 22.8 to 23.8.1 or 23.8.6 I have a timeout on the relay connection, when I do a netstat -ab, I see the connection listing on the relay port (around 600) , have to restore older version.


Please contact support for this issue:
Support Services | Partners | ConnectWise

Pending Review

Revert the resolution when the session is end

jeff chen 8 months ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 8 months ago 1

When I change the resolution of the host to fit my laptop's screen, it won't revert back to the original resolution when I end the connection.

Because some users are not tech savvy, they would call back and ask me to connect again and change the resolution back.

Pending Review

Gridview Column Chooser Filter

Fortino 8 months ago 0

My request is specifically for the Column Chooser. It would be a great boon to be able to see the following information in a quick glance along with what information is already provided: "Manufacturer and Model" and "Machine Product/Serial". I refer to this client information frequently, and it would save time to quick view this information in Automate and have it exportable than to have to find this information through the more details per endpoint.

Pending Review

Add machine BIOS and BIOS date to Devices section on ScreenConnect screen

george 9 months ago 0
Pending Review

Fudo PAM Integration

Nico Engelbarts | EBERTLANG 9 months ago 0

Integration for the PAM solution Fudo Security.

Fudo enables an administrator to overwatch remote sessions (currently supported protocols include: RDP, SSH, HTTP, Telnet) by having the user first connect to the Fudo server using their preferred client (Windows RDP, PuTTY, ...) and then have Fudo forward the connection to the destination host.

Integration Fudo with ScreenConnect would combine the best of both solutions and give a great advantage security-wise, and (if the integration is done correctly) would be easy to implement into large network environments.

Pending Review

BOOKS app “margins control” [IOS & IPADOS]

Thom Spengler 9 months ago 0

I have been migrating my epub library over to the native “BOOKS” app, with iPad as the primary device.

Previously used & loved the now-unsupported Marvin3 reader with many configurable viewing option controls. I would like one feature added to the BOOKS app, namely the ability to adjust the page margins when reading an epub.

The default margins on BOOKS are far to wide for my taste; I would like to be able to fit more words on each page. The “Themes and Settings” does not seem to allow margin adjustment. Here’s hoping that this is a simple enhancement that could be added in a future update.

Thanks much, 

Thom Spengler

Pending Review

Multiple Login Instances

Alistaire Hanlon-Green 9 months ago 0

Please can we have the option to create a second instance of a session to a server so we can have 2 engineers working on the same server, which goes with the rules of Windows Server of having multiple logins at the same time

Pending Review

Allow guest to kick host from current access session

MattNM 9 months ago 0

We need the ability for an end user to kick a tech off their screen in an access session. Even though they could in theory just rejoin this helps in circumstances where they suddenly need to take control again or when a technician has accidently left themselves logged on. The timeout is not good enough or configurable enough for this to be a valid option. The timeout is not an "inactivity" one but just a generic timeout so you could end up getting kicked off sessions you are still actively working on. 

I have also been told by support that it is not possible with access sessions but the timeout itself essentially does end the screen control session without turning off the access service so I don't understand why this has never been implemented.

Pending Review

copy ticket number

switch 9 months ago 0

Can you create a copy button to copy ticket number and description. Even fancier would be if it copied that as hyper text with underlying URL to the ticket.  Currently it is actually difficult to copy this line out of the web page.

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