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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

audio settings - allow more control for privacy

Angelos 1 year ago 0

I think we should put this on the “wish list” – this should be done more granually – i.e

  1. Allow for settings for
    1. Disabling the TECHNICIAN from enabling remote client microphone (the remote client should still be able to enable his own microphone)
    2. Or disable its use completely as is on both
    3. Or allow all use as is now
    4. These options should dbe done per type – ie. Remote access, remote support, or meeting ( as different settings should be set, just like the “default” setting exists)

Access to Google Chrome from Backstage

jason theriault 1 year ago updated by Kunta Kinke 3 months ago 4

We would love to have access to Chrome from Backstage Sessions.


Unfortunately, Chrome does not behave well in backstage mode. Backstage is a limited console and not all applications will run or run well. Some partners have had success with portable browsers run from the toolbox, and the browser that we have found works best in backstage is Firefox, which is available on the backstage taskbar if it is installed on the machine.

Pending Review

Please add the ability to save the administrative credentials for all sessions by default every time I connect to a session in Control.

nroundtree 1 year ago 0

Please add the ability to save the administrative credentials for all sessions by default every time I connect to a session in Control.

Pending Review

API Doc for ScreenConnect

Darsh Mehta 1 year ago updated by SeanM 1 year ago 1

Hi, I am exploring the ConnectWise ScreenConnect product. I have added 1 windows device and successfully able to connect to the device remotely. On the UI, I am able to visualize the Device information, Network Information as well as the Softwares installed on the device.

However, I am unable to get API documentation specifying the list of the endpoints to get these details. Is there a proper doc where I can get the schema and the sample responses for the endpoints offered by ScreenConnect?

Pending Review

custom quality settings for techs

Ty- 1 year ago 0

allow each user to define their own default quality
I often have to set it to medium (the setting I prefer). 
It would be nice if my account always connected with medium quality and my colleagues with their proffered quality settings. 


Pending Review

Guest online Trigger

fips 1 year ago 0


I have following Trigger, but I guess its wrong, because screenconnect does not send an notification.

Connection.ProcessType='Guest' AND Event.EventType='Connected' AND Session.SessionType='Access' AND Session.GuestMachineName LIKE 'Test_iMac'

Can someone lead me in the right direction?



Pending Review

Issues sending keyboard strokes

Tyler W. 1 year ago 0

When sending keyboard strokes to some remote devices, the keyboard strokes do not send correctly, After, all further keyboard strokes, by the user and the remote attendant, act as if the shift key is being held until the session is ended. 

Pending Review

ScreenWise Control iPad app - Bluetooth mouse support without the need of the screen virtual mouse.

J J. Sierra 1 year ago 0

I use my iPad Pro with a full Bluetooth keyboard and mouse. But there is no support for the mouse. It only allows for the use of the on screen virtual mouse.

Pending Review

MFA login screen to display correctly with all methods

danb 1 year ago 0

When logging in and getting the MFA request, if you integrate with a 3rd party, it does not show what to do or what is going on. Therefore, the users do not know if they need to approve a push notification or if it is cached for 7 days and they can just select login.

Pending Review

Session Group by Software

Jeff Wenta 1 year ago 0

I would like to have a session group that has only the workstations with a certain software - such as asset tracking software or AutoCAD, etc...