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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!


Visual Studio Pro Admin Session

Rimtec 9 months ago updated 7 months ago 2

We set up automatic approval to run Visual Studio Pro as admin as some projects require it. However, a new admin user gets created every time Visual Studio Pro is run as admin. This is an issue because Visual Studio Pro resets back to factory settings since it’s being run for the first time from within the newly created admin user. This means installing all the plugins / packages / dependencies every time Visual Studio is run as admin. Is it possible for the admin user profile to persist? or any other solution?


Need ability to disable auto-printer mapping

EliSiegel 9 months ago updated 9 months ago 2

Please provide the ability to prevent printers from automatically mapping, or to be able to choose which printers are mapped.


Using the advanced configuration editor, you can set the option to map automatically or not. If you deselect the option shown here, printing will still be available for the hosts (provided they have appropriate permissions), but will be able to toggle printing on or off in the Host client. Additionally, a host can choose to map all printers, or only their default printer. (Remote printing overview - ConnectWise)


ConnectWise ScreenConnect make ask for windows password when connecting to the endpoints.

miteshbpatel 9 months ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 9 months ago 1

ConnectWise ScreenConnect make ask for windows password when connecting to the endpoints (e.x. splashtop has this feature already).


This feature exists as part of the Advanced Configuration Editor by locking the machine when a host first connects, forcing them to use the Windows password:
Advanced Configuration Editor - ConnectWise

Lock Machine On ConnectAutomatically lock the guest machine when a host connects.Support, Access
Pending Review

Merge duplicate products on a purchase order

sayers 9 months ago updated by Veronica Bunker 2 months ago 1

When the same product is listed in in purchasing approval / purchasing tab multiple times. Is there a way to have them merge as one line item on the purchase order for the total quantity needed to be ordered? 

Pending Review

Add ability to connect to one vm using multiple different profiles at the same time.

Mel Gatwood 9 months ago 0

One VM

Two Profiles on the VM

User 1 logs in through screen connect with their profile
User 2 log in through screen connect with User 2 profile

None will interact with each other's active session. 

Pending Review

Update for linux client

Red Edge IT 9 months ago 0

Can you please update linux screenconnect last update was 3 years ago, 

Pending Review

Integration with Microsoft Intune

jgeremia 10 months ago 0

Teamview has integration with Intune. Would Screenconnect also be considered? Remotely administer devices in Microsoft Intune | Microsoft Learn

Pending Review

Mac OSx Client enhancements

Christopher Davis 10 months ago updated by Alex Hutton 10 months ago 1

It would be nice to have a few quick features

1) Having the send clipboard keystrokes next to the ctrl + alt + del button on the session taksbar.

2) Pass "cmd + key" as "ctrl + key" other remote software already has an option to allow this.

Pending Review

Disable the option to hide the "your computer is controlled by" banner

Matthew Amott (Hexicor) 10 months ago 0

Is there a way to grey out the "hide" option in the menu for the "your computer is controlled by (username)" banner?

Pending Review

Prevent site of configuration from changing when a contact is changed

Andy S 10 months ago 0

Is there a way to prevent a configuration's site (e.g. a firewall at site "A") from changing if the contact for that configuration is changed?  We have many clients that have multiple sites and most of the time the configurations (such as firewalls, switches, etc.) have one contact associated with them that is actually located at a different site.  While we can override the site manually, it doesn't prevent the site from getting overwritten if a contact is changed in the future (e.g. new IT manager, etc.)