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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

List of EUD based on a particular software

afsar 10 months ago 0

It would be more convenient and a good feature to have a report type in which we can make a report based on a particular software installed. 

Pending Review

Automatically clear notification dot for CAM events with no action needed

nengelhardt 10 months ago 0

Whenever there's an access management event, a notification dot shows up next to the session it happened on, and on every session group that the session is a part of. It doesn't go away until I go to the session and review the event. I don't want to have to do this if the event is already taken care of and there's no action to take. This would be in situations such as the request already being approved/denied/expired. I want it to go away on its own in those situations.

Pending Review

Screen Casting

Maggie Hobson 10 months ago 0

Add the ability to create Triggers based on a Session Group

Derek Slama 10 months ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 9 months ago 1

I would like to create a Trigger that is based on a Session Group. I think this would be beneficial for many others.

For my use case scenario, I have my Session Groups setup by Office location based on a Common Public IP. I'd like to know when an entire Session Group is offline (aka, the office is down). It's a simple warning and I realize there's other tools that might be able to accomplish this but having that feature would be really nice.


Triggers are based on either Session Events or Security Events, it is not possible to set them up by Session Group, but you could set up a trigger where if a machine with a specific IP address were to go offline by using the Session Event: Session.GuestNetworkAddress

Create a new session trigger - ConnectWise

Pending Review

Clear notepad cache after control session

Shawn Tyrie 10 months ago 0

This is aimed at addressing the issue of: Engineer copies a password, its shared to the endusers clipboard history, the password is available to the user after the engineed disconnects

For the security of passwords and other sensitive information in the engineers clipboard, can the system be configured to restart the "notepad" service or delete any clipboard entries in the end users computer clipboard cache/history that where added during the remote session.

Pending Review

macOS Host Client open monitors in new/separate windows

adam+sessionrecordtest 10 months ago 0
Pending Review

macOS Host Client local screen recording option

adam+sessionrecordtest 10 months ago 0
Pending Review

macOS Host client support for menubar customization

adam+sessionrecordtest 10 months ago 0
Pending Review

macOS Host client support for credential management

adam+sessionrecordtest 10 months ago 0
Pending Review

macOS Host client support for the Helper Window

adam+sessionrecordtest 10 months ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 9 months ago 1