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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Session group for unread messages

Unencumbered Cue 1 year ago 0

I would like to see a more concise filter option for unread messages. The only reason I figured out that Unacknowledged Events meant messages is because I took a wild guess. Not even the information listed in creating a Session Group explains what Unacknowledged Events means. Really, a label like that could mean literally anything. For a crazy example, "there's an info notice in Event Viewer that hasn't been read".

Pending Review

record video of selected monitor only

chris 1 year ago 0

selectively only record video of a particular monitor when multiple monitors are in use

Pending Review

Similarly to TeamViewer, once a user has granted remote access, it would be good to be able to reboot and re-establish your remote connection without the user needed to be present to authorize your connection every time.

KM IT 1 year ago 0

Similarly to TeamViewer, once a user has granted remote access, it would be good to be able to reboot and re-establish your remote connection without the user needed to be present to authorize your connection every time.

Pending Review

Index onprem connectwise control site in google

Sitaram 1 year ago updated 1 year ago 1

I want to index my Onprem connectwise control site in google search. For this we need add a single line code in home page of the site but I do not know the exact home page file. Anyone can help on this? I have used Security toolkit as well but not sure the exact settings to be done which can index my site in google. Please help on this requirement.

Pending Review

Reporting available fields not in alphabetical order.

steve 1 year ago 0

In the report manager and report generator, the available fields are not in alphabetical order. Why? To see if a field is available I have to go though the entire list of fields. Could these be put in alphabetical sequence (or let me know how to do that myself).


Pending Review

Add machine bios date to screen connect reports.

steve 1 year ago 0

There is an inventory report in report generator but it doesn't pick up machine bios date. This would be useful when determining age of device. 

Pending Review

sorting by cpu Architecture (x86, x64, ARM)

Jean-Francois 1 year ago 0

It would be great to be able to sort in the group the CPU Architecture. With technologies moving away from x86, it would be nice to be able to quickly see who are still using x86 CPU to plan for future upgrade.

As you can see in those screenshot, we are doing sorting by OS to plan future OS replacement to be able to support new software update.

Image 1174

Image 1173

Pending Review

Cisco Umbrella for BrightGauge

lshea 1 year ago 0
Pending Review

ITBOOST links between Document KB articles and Site KB Articles

kfreeth 1 year ago 0

I would like to make an ITBOOST feature request to allow linking of KB Articles in the Documents location to KB articles in other Company (Site) KB articles.  This would be useful for allowing the creation of KB articles that are useful for multiple sites to be linked. For example a Office 365 Powershell script that would be useful for all our clients using Office 365.  We should be able to write the KB once and then link it to all the different locations where Office 365 is utilized.

Pending Review

Add a "Deny" permission, or allow us to "un-inherit" permissions in Control security roles

Freddie 1 year ago 0

It is currently not possible to un-inherit permissions in security roles. This means if you want to deny access to one client, you have to manually allow access to all other clients instead. Terrible design, please fix.