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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Download Instead of Run Tools

CompuIntegration 1 year ago 0

7 years ago you all DECLINED this here https://control.product.connectwise.com/communities/1/topics/408-ability-to-download-and-not-run-tools

Why was this declined?  Pls re-eval.

The default should have always been a download anyway and not auto-run for security reasons.  But you already have a RUN and RUN AS ADMIN from the toolbox, so you are just missing a DOWNLOAD option.

Ironically, you all already accidentally programmed it as they download anyway to the TEMP folder in the CW folder in the Docs folder....all you need to do is make a link in the toolbox next to the others that says DOWNLOAD and simply don't run the line or lines of code that actually run it!

Again, this is already programmed.

Pls just add it.  There are a dozen reasons for wanting to download instead if forced run them, so we don't need to has "why" as we're wasting time.

Also, a workaround of cancelling and then grabbing the temp file and copying it out of temp is not a "solution" so don't suggest that.  Plus, if an installer already ran, depending on how the installer is programmed, it could have already auto ran some code that was not desired by the time you cancel.


Pending Review

notification message

alejandro lidon 1 year ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 1 year ago 1

would be good to have a in browser notification integration when someone write to us on the chat in the agents or at least using the windows notification


Audio Options on Single License

Cldstrife 1 year ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 1 year ago 2

If you are not going to offer Audio options on the free license, you should at least offer it on the single user.

Pending Review

Send keystrokes to host's input focus upon initial connection

Matt Snead 1 year ago updated 1 year ago 0

When connecting to a host unattended, if it's at the logon screen, the cursor will be in the username or password field.  You can see the cursor blinking (it has "focus").  However, if you don't actually click on the box after connecting, your keystrokes go into the ether.  We are migrating from teamviewer and teamviewer did not have this issue.

Pending Review

Consent HTML Format

Brian Wilkey 1 year ago 0

We would like to be able to hyperlink terms and conditions to the consent prompt. Currently, the prompt only supports plain text.

Considering for Future Release

Ability to Take Different Types of Screenshots

MrMattiPants 1 year ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 1 year ago 2

Please add the ability to Choose Alternative Types of Screenshots, to the CWC Toolbar, based on the following Selections

  • Region
  • Window
  • Fullscreen (Single Display)
  • Fullscreen (Multiple Display)
  • Scrolling Window
  • Panoramic
  • Etc.

The existing Screenshot Feature is a great addition, but it ultimately tends to create more work. Since we only have One Option Available, at the present time (FullScreen), one tends to have to hunt the Image file down, then Open it into my Screenshot Editor of Choice (i.e. Snag It) or whatever is Available at the time (i.e. Microsoft Paint).

From there, you have to Crop the Image to the Borders of the Window or Object, which is rather tedious and imperfect (especially when you're taking dozens of Screenshots for Documentation purposes).

That being said, it would greatly simplify the Documentation Process if the ability to make the requested Screenshot Selections above, were available from within the CWC Toolbar.

While on the topic of Screenshots, another great feature to add, would be to Select an Application, that Screenshots can be Automatically Opened into (Similar to the TechSmith Snag-it Capture Utility, which Automatically Opens newly taken Screenshots into the Snag-It Editor Application).

    Pending Review

    SSH Access via on-prem gateway

    tc-htp 1 year ago 0

    Bomgar/BeyondTrust, TeamViewer, and other major remote control vendors support direct "real" SSH access to guests via on-prem gateways or emulation through the installed agent. It would be great if ConnectWise Control supported this, as the currently headless "console" implementation leaves a lot to be desired from a true SSH terminal software. Seems like an easy way to add features and make the product more attractive to future and current customers.


    A true SSH implementation allows for the ability to remote control guests without exposing them directly to the internet (with an on-prem gateway), and much better support for terminal-based utilities.

    Pending Review

    Remove Autofill History in Screenconnect

    sharif kazwah 1 year ago updated 1 year ago 0


    I would like to remove autofill history in all of the fields when trying to use the Build Installer tool in screen connect. Currently if I make one new value, it will save it forever, even if it was a typo and would like to remove that.

    Image 1159

    Pending Review

    Zebra Device Management

    Dave Neumeyer 1 year ago updated by jhardwick 1 year ago 1

    TinyMDM allows Zebra device management running Android OS. I know Samsung devices are supported, can Zebra devices please also get supported? I do not work for TinyMDM in any capacity, I just would like to have more than view only on our Zebra devices. Thank you.

    Pending Review

    CW Control - Session Access Token - Expiry time

    Andrew Stockton 1 year ago 0

    I currently get the above message when I have sessions open for a while.

    Is there a way to stop this from happening in CW Control?