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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Report generator - machine names - Hard drives

Jim1 2 years ago 0


I don't know if it would be possible without a major change to connect wise but it gathers a lot of useful information about the computers that connect - OS, name, memory, processor..  I'd love to know anything more it can tell me about the drive situation - model, or total size or free space.   Any/all of that would be great.

Pending Review

Make subgroups much easier to use and easier to deploy

Jim1 2 years ago 0 1 duplicate

Connectwise is great but I have one area I think could be made easier - don't take away any of the current group functionality just add a couple of features.

I posted for assistance and actually had a one on one session and while groups weren't initially planned to be used this way - it shouldn't be a challenge to make it more function.

E.g. you create a company ACME.   creating a subgroup should be as easy as right click - on acme and add subgroup - enter subgroup name - e.g. servers   I don't necessarily want that subgroup in every group I have and I don't ever want empty session place holders make my attempt ad efficiency more inefficient.

Inviting some to a group or subgroup that already exists shouldn't be - creat a new session make sure you have the name identical to the existing group then inviting them, it should be right click - invite or download

Pending Review

Granular Admin Permissions

Mike 2 years ago 0

I'd like more granular permissions for Admin Rights. Currently, to do anything admin-related (add/remove subgroups, update security users, change roles, etc) you have to give them the keys to the kingdom. I'd like to be able to separate what roles our team has. For example, Support should be able to reset passwords or update 2FA for Remote Workforce users, but shouldn't be able to edit configuration settings or touch Roles. Project/Onboarding team should be able to edit subgroups and add users, but shouldn't be able to touch other back-end configuration settings and change Roles. Right now, it's either give them access to everything, or have our few members with Admin rights get pulled in for anything that comes up for everything, even simple things. Thanks!


Consent to Control Org based instead of user based

chris 2 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 2 years ago 1

I would like to be able to turn on Consent to Control by organization, not by user. This way it is in the clients hand whether or not they'd like unattended access. I understand you can set it by user, but then the prompt will popup on every connection, regardless of who I am connecting to. We currently only have one client that requests that we perform Consent to Control, so we use an alternate remote program for that client specifically. 



This would be pretty easy to set up as long as you are using a Custom Property to identify the organization. Company is CustomProperty1 (by default) 

I'd just create a session group where CustomProperty1='MyCompanyHere' and set up the user roles to require consent on the session group (reminder that Permissions are additive. If you have a machine in multiple groups, that machine will have all of the permissions of every group it belongs to)

Create a new user role - ConnectWise
If you have any issues with getting this set up, please contact our support team for assistance.

Support Services | Partners | ConnectWise

Pending Review

Make Software Center available via backstage.

ts2340 2 years ago 0

It would be a huge help if you could make Configuration Manager Software Center gui available via backstage. The control panel applet works but not Software Center itselt.

Thanks for the consideration!

Pending Review

Add a custom greeting when a control session is initiated.

Albert Gootee 2 years ago updated by Sean Keown 1 year ago 1

When our customers initiate a session for support with us they see nothing until we chat to them or manipulate their screen. It would be good to have a greeting immediately popup letting them know we will be with them shortly and stating our hours incase they are trying to reach us outside of them. Their is an extension but its a auto reply only and would require our customer to first attempt chatting to us. The chat window starts out hidden so most of our customers are not savvy enough to open it and try chatting to get the auto reply.


Mac client screen unresponsive after few minutes of idling

M Stroeve 2 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 2 years ago 1

Mac client version / Screenconnect version: 20.13 (20.13.1905.7657)

We have an annoying longstanding issue with all of our mac clients connecting to a windows guest machine.

It works fine but after leaving it "idle" for just a few minutes (2-3?) we see a small refresh/hickup and suddenly you cant click anywhere in the guest screen. When we for example shortly switch between View Logon session > back stage and then back to normal view it works again but we have to keep te screen active with user interaction or it will stall/hang again.

We already tried upgrading various times but the problem always remains.


Hi there, please reach out to our support team for assistance with this issue:
Contact Support (site.com)

Pending Review

Email notification when user opens chat

Michael Edde 2 years ago updated by Sean Keown 2 years ago 1

We want users to be able to open the icon to start a chat and when they type a message we want that to email to our ticket portal help@xyz.com hopefully with the PC name. This way if the end user wants support they can just start a chat and then we can jump into the chat once we get notified by the email. 

Pending Review

why cant we name each window session

sal ferreira 2 years ago 0

why cant i name each of the window  / module options

call me at 978-806-7907 to discuss

Pending Review

Changing Guest anonymous name

BrianYeates 2 years ago 0

This is dealing with connecting to an unattended device. 

Is there a way to show who's logged into the computer instead of "Guest?" Instead of seeing 'Guest' is connected to 'Guest' can you make to where 'username or person logged in' is connected to 'name of the device'. It makes it difficult as an admin to know who is exactly connect to an unattended device. I've attached a picture for reference. 

Image 1146