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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Dashboard dark mode

samuel gonzalez 1 year ago 0

It would be great to have a dark mode, not having a dark mode feels disrespectful for everybody's eyes, fornt end wise, it takes minimum effort. please do.

Pending Review

Show the correct Windows edition in Access

tmontney 1 year ago updated 1 year ago 0

I opened a case with support and they recommended that I file this as a feature. Although I disagreed with that classification, the decision stands for now.

The ConnectWise Access client incorrectly reports Windows 10/Windows 11 editions. While this functionality may have worked in the past, it does not account for what I call "transient editions". If Windows user has a Microsoft E3 or E5 license assigned, a computer will seamlessly upgrade from Professional to Enterprise. From reports online, the reverse is also true (perhaps disconnected from the Internet for prolonged periods or removal of license).

The agent is likely pulling WMI class OperatingSystem's property "Caption" (or PowerShell's Get-ComputerInfo cmdlet). This appears to be the edition at install time. OsOperatingSystemSKU reports the (correct) functional Windows edition (again, if the user has a license which performs a seamless upgrade).

Pending Review

bulk uninstall specific software feature

hient 1 year ago 0

If a way could be developed to bulk uninstall software through the remote diagnostic toolkit extension would be much appreciated.  I don't want to click through each machine one by one just to uninstall a specific software.

It should allow uninstalling all apps of a specific name/version if it exists on the machine, or ignore the command if it doesn't exist.

Also, the reverse would be appreciated too.  Being able to bulk install a program silently in the background would be good too.

Pending Review

Sort connected hosts by earliest connection duration to latest

Karl Coleman 1 year ago 0

Can we sort connected hosts by earliest connection duration to latest?

Pending Review

Allow full admin access from backstage

CFBDAVE 1 year ago updated 1 year ago 0

Basically we need to access certain shares via backstage to allow a script to transfer files to this drive.  Sadly the run as command will not work in backstage to tell PS what user to run as for the purpose of network share file access.  If i use the runas command in regular PS it works fine but in backstage it does not.  I was told this was a current limitation of the backstage environment and that I should request this feature here.    Sorry for the heavily edited pics, i'm sure you understand why.

Powershell run as an admin user functions as designed in the regular desktop environment

Image 1156

run as does not function in the backstage environment with same command/credentials

Image 1158

Pending Review

Automatic Uninstall of Offline Support Sessions

Sean Keown 1 year ago 0

It would be nice if we could set a max timeout for support sessions to auto uninstall / disable themselves when they have gone offline or are never able to connect to our control server.


  • Auto Uninstall - Max timeout initial connection that never established a connection. -  24 hours
  • Auto Uninstall - Max timeout for preexisting sessions that stopped communicating.  - 7 Days


Background: We have customers that block access to control or never allow it from the start. We normally don't find out we can't connect until someone attempts to provide a support session with the customer and realizes the session won't establish. By then the customer has started 2 - 3 control sessions on their computer / server but these sessions will never close since they create a service and don't appear in add / remove. 

These sessions stay active forever until someone happens to notice the tray icon and clicks end or until someone connects to the console session of the server. 

I really hate finding these processes consuming CPU / Memory and or creating a potential vulnerability that can never be patched because we don't know they exist, and they stay running forever. 

Pending Review

Remote Access Disconnect/Exit Button

Deither Sagadal 1 year ago 0

We've deployed our screen connect application as remote access, meaning we installed it to the machines of our users. However with this deployment, when we remotely connect to the users machine, the EXIT button in the banner is grayed out for the users to click to end the remote session from there end.

I've confirmed with Vijay Gaikwad a connectwise support with ticket 01304677 that this is a product limitation as of the moment. So we wanted to log a feature request.

Pending Review

Command Toolbox extension resets view

Marc 1 year ago 0

Each time you initiate a command from the Command Toolbox extension, it resets whatever view you are on back to the "General" tab view.  Obviously this adds an extra step since you then have to click on "Commands" tab to view the results of the command you just ran.  

The “Run Command” option is how it should work – where it automatically changes the view to the “Commands” tab view when you initiate this so that you can easily see the results of the command you are running. 

Pending Review

Push notifications for 2FA using MS Authenticator

Marios Andreou 1 year ago updated 1 year ago 2

It would be nice for the ConnectWise team to develop a way we can enable push notifications on MS Authenticator, similarly to DUO.

Pending Review

Ability to invalidate client installer

jpayne 2 years ago 0

It would be good to add the ability to invalidate old client agent installer files or set a expiration time on them.

Should be similar to the access key tokens being valid for a certain time only.