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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!


Classic view

Davey 8 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 3 1 duplicate

We would like the ability to revert back to the 'Classic' view pre 6.0. We find the info/chat/cmd/preview works better on the bottom half of the screen instead of the 6.0 right side view. We would like to stay on 6.0 and not have to revert back to an older version for this layout.

Under Review


jbradley 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 3 2 duplicates

Allow the ability to Start, Restart, or Stop services

Under Review

Allow tray icon to be visible in Terminal sessions

Michael Legato (Support) 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 8

Currently, the ScreenConnect system tray icon is only visible when connected to the Console session on a machine. This means that if you connect into a machine through RDP, the icon is no longer visible, as RDP creates a separate Terminal session on the machine.

Since the SC unattended client service is installed as a system service, I would like to see a configuration option that will allow the tray icon to be visible on both Terminal and Console sessions at the same time.


Indicator when updating guest info

DaMtechMatt 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 9

At the moment when you click on 'Update Guest Info', it appears as if nothing happens, then all of a sudden the screen preview updates, and the information on the right updates.

Some sort of indicator that this is happening would prevent users clicking the link a few times thinking that nothing is happening

Considering for Future Release

Add Hotpin 2-factor authentication

Krzysztof Pigłowski 8 years ago updated 6 years ago 4

We use Hotpin 2-FA for most of systems that we use to support our customers, apparently there is even an API that can be added to login page to support hotpin http://www.celestix.com/products/two-factor-authentication/

We use tokens to be precise

Is there a chance to implement this in some release pls?


Computer name before application name in title

dan 8 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 2

With many remote support windows open it's hard to distinguish between them since the computer name comes last in the application title on the host side.

Image 3

I have to open them all up to find the one I'm looking for.

anonymous 8 years ago

Hey Dan, in 5.6 we switched the client application and session title. Instead of “ScreenConnect – My Session”, the client title is now “My Session – ScreenConnect”.


Improve audit page searching

anonymous 9 years ago updated by Katarina 5 years ago 10

Partner would like the ability within SC to search for events/recording tied to a specific machine/tech/time.

Considering for Future Release

Add option to grant control to only one participant

anonymous 9 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 5 2 duplicates

Partner would like the option to grant (permission) control to only one participant in a meeting.

Considering for Future Release

Add ability to manage shared toolbox from Mac client

anonymous 9 years ago updated 7 years ago 3

Partner would like to be able to manage the shared toolbox within the Mac client.


Add warning on version check when license does not support

anonymous 9 years ago updated 8 years ago 2

Partner requests there be a warning on the version check when current license does not support current SC version.

anonymous 8 years ago

In 6.1, if attempting to upgrade on an invalid/expired license, you will be shown an error message explaining that the license is expired/invalid and the installation will not proceed.

Additionally, if you are not up to date, the version check will let you know whether your license permits you to upgrade.