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chat transcript as an email after a session

Nirav Pandya 7 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 6 2 duplicates

Please Provide the option of Chat transcript after the remote session 


File Transfers

Hotel Revenue Solutions 7 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 9 months ago 3

The ability to store - per machine connection - the location to transfer files to.   In other words - not a global setting for the file transfer destination.   It should unique to each "machine" or end connection point.

Under Review

Ability to change column width under Roles (in Security section)

Patrick Vroonland 7 years ago updated by jason603 5 years ago 2 1 duplicate

Our permissions to the server are based on Active directory groups. Because we have many countries and subsidiaries we need to be able to identify those. This is especially needed for Access Sessions. Each subsidiary is only allowed to see his/her own access sessions. Our AD names are very long because of this but we only see a part of the name under the roles section. Now we can not identify the names anymore. Should be create if we could adjust the width of the column.

Under Review

Host Pass and Support Session - Ability SMS code

Rhys Comley 7 years ago updated by Megan F. 2 years ago 2

Currently Host Pass and Session code can only be sent via Email.

The ability to SMS the host pass or session code would be excellent feature.

Email is not always accessible so received codes via SMS would be good.

Under Review

tag sessions extension

mhighsmith 7 years ago updated by Newton Carmona 5 years ago 3

I like the idea of this but currently any session that is tagged under the tag sessions extensions are viewable by all people logged in. Is there a way that this tag session group is only seen by each individual user and only their tag systems are in it. currently all tagged systems are in the group and the SG is seen by all users. Also if the extension is removed can the tags and group be removed automatically?

Under Review

Right-click join session without consent

forevanyeung 7 years ago updated by Tim Claridge 5 years ago 1

Have the default Join prompt for consent, but the technician can right click and join without consent instead of having to go to a different collection to join without consent.

Under Review

Sync clients/hosts grouping from Active Directory groups(OU)

josh fredrickson 8 years ago updated by Kilo 5 years ago 2

We are in the Trial for Screenconnect and like what we see but it seems to be missing a very useful feature we currently have in our remote control solution.

When a new client becomes visible in Screenconnect we would like it find that object in Active Directory and create a Group in Screenconnect with the name of the AD OU. We would then like to have the client put into that group.

For example lets say we have computers in Spain, Costa Rica, and United States. These computers are organized in Active Directory with three different OU's named with the country names.

When a computer that is in the Spain AD OU has the Screenconnect client installed and checks in for the first time the server would create a Spain Group in Screenconnect and move the client into that group.

That way all object/client management is done in Active Directory.

Hopefully what I said makes sense :)


ScreenConnect as a live Asset Inventory Tool

justin@imaginesystems net 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 2

It occurred to me today the ScreenConnect has the potential to be an extremely helpful live asset inventory tool given the addition of some basic CSV export functionality.

I maintain spreadsheet inventories of computer assets for multiple clients and keeping them updated is often a struggle as moves and changes happen without my involvement. SC has the info I need by nature of it's constant updating. It knows the current user account. It knows when a computer is no longer used (hasn't checked in in forever). I rename the agents in my portal according to this format "ASSET# / ASSIGNED USER" for ease of finding who (which computer) our support team needs to connect to when a support request comes in. Often SC will alert me to a PC user change that I am unaware of when the current user no longer matches the assigned user attributed to the SC agent name. SC helps me to self correct my inventory in this way. And since I'm updating in SC already, why maintain a separate spreadsheet if SC could export this data?

I also use custom properties in SC to define additional info such as company, site location, equipment make/model, etc. SC also automatically pulls in various computer specs.

I propose that an export funstionality be added for these fields of info (as well as last check in) so that I may export an asset inventory spreadsheet on demand. This would save a ton of time spent inputting and updating info that SC already has and it would be an inherently more accurate inventory.

This minimal addition would have a huge benefit and strongly add to what an already great product that SC is.

Please UPVOTE this people!!! Let's get it done!

anonymous 7 years ago

Hey All,

It is possible to pull custom properties and general information displayed on the session detail panel with the Report Manager Extension. It'll be possible to generate Access session reports with the next iteration of the Reporting Extension, which is soon to release.


Persistent End of Session Popup Message After Unattended Session

Daniel von Verschuer 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 2 1 duplicate

Please add the functionality of a persistent end of session message after an unattended session like it is possible for meetings (https://help.screenconnect.com/ScreenConnect_Customization_Guide#Adding_a_link_to_a_survey_or_site_when_a_session_has_ended). Thanks!


Make zendesk integrated sessions "simple code" instead of "Invitation Only".

Gisle 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 1

We want the sessions to be created as a “simple code” session.That way we can create the sessions in Zendesk, and guide them to use the code over phone.