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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Capture ALT-TAB

Jason Hunter 5 years ago updated by Andrew Wrobel 10 months ago 4

There should be a way to disable that ScreenConnect captures ALT-TAB. Most often, I don't want to switch applications remotely when I press ALT-TAB, I want to switch beteween apps on my own computer. 

Pending Review

Duo MFA - Configure Multiple Companies

Quinntin Comer 5 years ago updated by Mayfield 5 years ago 5


We provide our end-customers access to their workstations using Control. I would like to request a feature to be able to configure multiple Duo companies so that we can point each customer's MFA settings to their respective duo company.

Pending Review

SOS Deployer - add custom branding

Jesse G 5 years ago updated by FAB-ITRescue 4 years ago 2

Please add the ability to 1) change the icon for the EXE that is downloaded from the admin portal, as well as the icon that is deployed to user desktops when using the Run Tool > Toolbox deployment method.

Similarly, please add the ability to change the name of the icon on the user's desktop when deploying the tool via Run Tool > Toolbox (currently, only th EXE downloaded from the admin portal is able to have its name set via Extension > Edit Settings).

Considering for Future Release

Separate security role for "Run Command" and "Run Tool" outside of a session

Kilo 5 years ago updated by Rayner Meyer 8 months ago 3

Would like the ability for user to use the "Run Tool" command but do not wish them to have a full administrative Command line available from either the side bar navigation or from the right click "Run Command"

Currently these are both tied to the "RunCommandOutsideSession" Permission

Considering for Future Release

Make nested groups in Control

BDeTarr 5 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 5 years ago 2

A functionality I think would assist with user management, would be allowing nested groups within Control (Security - User Sources - Internal).  This would allow for breaking up individual users, similar to AD.  Let's say a company or office is removed from control, nested groups would make searching for the individual users much easier and verifying all access has been removed. 

Pending Review

Restrict Extensions by Security Role

Sam S 6 years ago 0

It would be great to restrict extensions by security role. For example, sometimes we give end-users access to their systems through Control and we don't necessarily want them to see all the extensions that we use. Like Connectwise View is not something we want to give out to end-users

Under Review

Make Host connections connect via a proxy

Kieran 6 years ago updated by Kieran McSwiney 6 years ago 3

Currently we have the option to make Guest sessions connect via a proxy, but no such option is available for Host sessions, ie. the sessions launched by our support technicians. Can we please have the option to configure a proxy for the Host session?

Pending Review

Working default email setup

David Geddes 6 years ago updated by Alexander Houston 4 weeks ago 1

When you set up a cloud instance, it's set by default to send email as host@screenconnect.com directly to the recipient's SMTP server.  However, the email doesn't include DKIM and the cloud instances aren't included in the SPF record, which pretty much guarantees that they'll be filtered out.

I appreciate allowing us to configure out own email delivery so we can control where it appears to come from, but this is something that should work by default.

Considering for Future Release

Full screen function for using with Samsung Dex

Herald 6 years ago updated by graphicdav 4 years ago 2

I use Samsung Dex in our Company. The Connectwise client has no full screen option, so I keep seeing the Samsung Dex bars.

Considering for Future Release

Generic Client Installer

Richard Chase 6 years ago updated by gilly 10 months ago 12

I'd like the ability to download and install a generic client installer, that asks me for information during the install, such as name, organization and location etc.. Often when I'm doing a multiple computer deployment, I have to download a bunch of the same installer file with the different information and then make sure I install the right exe on the right computer. If i had a generic one, i could run it, punch in the info on the spot and only need a single installer. Would be super helpful. I doubt this would be very difficult, I'm guessing somewhere in the exe is a configuration file that has this information programmed when its downloaded from the site.