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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Control for Azure Windows Virtual Desktop

bshapiro 4 years ago 0

Looking to switch to Azure WVD, which uses remote desktop VDI.  Each time a user signs in, they are given a new, unique session (unique hostname) based off of a golden image vhd.  We need some way to make Control work in that scenario.

Pending Review

Bridge Service - several improvements

Stefan 4 years ago updated by mbeaudet 4 years ago 1
Bridge Service would be much better and more useable with these suggestions:

  1. You'll have to fill in and save user credentials to use/initiate an RDP connection. If you don't enter and save the logon credentials in the bridge entry a blank screenconnect window is opened and you don't have a chance to put in your credentials manually. E.g. we want to offer this to our staff to initiate an RDP connection over SC with their credentials. Do you have any idea to solve this? See other topic
  2. It would be fine if the RDP resolution could fit automatically to the size of the SC window. Giving a start resolution is great but if you could change the resolution by maximizing the window and resize the resolution of the RDP session that would be a great improvement.
  3. I don't know how you managed it technically. Looking at the options of mstsc.exe these options could be really very interesting to see in the RDP implementation of thebridge, too:
  • /prompt - Prompts you for your credentials when you connect to the remote PC
  • /multimon - Configures the Remote Desktop Services session monitor layout to be identical to the current client-side configuration.
  • /span - Matches the remote desktop width and height with the local virtual desktop, spanning across multiple monitors, if necessary. To span across monitors, the monitors must be arranged to form a rectangle.
  • /f - Starts Remote Desktop in full-screen mode.
  • /admin - Connects you to the session for administering a remote PC.
Pending Review

Session End option is not available to access session users but only to support sessions users and would for it to be developed

Peter Barbara 4 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 2 years ago 2

Image 803

We have had an issue when agents connect to access sessions from the Access tab, users on the other side of the connection won't be able to terminate the session. On the other hand, whenever an agent creates the session manually via the Support tab, guest on the other side of the connection, are able to terminate the session from their side.

Would like that such feature is also available via the Access tab. As per the attached screenshot, the above option is available for the Support tab only. When you initiate a remote session via the Access tab, employees onto the other side, won't have the Exit button and hence only the agents are able to terminate the session.

I would like such option to be enabled as we had an instance were an agent left the session open after the troubleshooting session was done and was able to view screen contents and so on. It was a genuine mistake as the agent left the session open by mistake.




We added the ability for a guest on an access session to require consent, which can be invoked while a host is connected.

Here is a link to the documentation for this feature:
Enable a guest to require consent - ConnectWise


Shorten the length of the Top Menu bar or Delay the Top menu bar pop up time in Full Screen mode

SeanM 4 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 3 years ago 6 2 duplicates

Perhaps it would be expedient to simply short then contact area of the top menu bar when it pops up in full-screen mode. Currently, when using full-screen mode, if you aren't quick the top menu bar will pop up and obscure your ability to interact with the upper part of the screen on the remote sessions, which impacts a user's ability to minimize or close a window in the session. 

If possible it would be really nice if the top menu bar that pops up were to be shortened to accommodate unfettered access to these controls.

Pending Review

Transfer Session Alphabetical and Searchable

Sean Keown 4 years ago updated 8 months ago 2

Option to sort users alphabetically and or also add a search option. Right now our list is all over the place and it's hard to find anyone. 

Image 680

Pending Review

SYSLOG: Include Admin Access and Account Add/Modify/Changes for Audit/SEIM Integration

ltateyama 5 years ago updated by SamISE 7 months ago 2

I understand that the syslog functionality of ScreenConnect DOES NOT INCLUDE logging of administrative logins, administrative account creations, password changes, modifications of account (ex: turn of 2FA), etc.

As this is required as part of our audit practices I would like to request that this information be included in the syslog stream.  Additionally this would give our SEIM the ability to notify us real time when unusual activity occurs on privileged accounts.


include a gui or desktop enhancement feature in backstage

james 5 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 2 months ago 4

when attempting to open browser from backstage, the image flashes in and out of black.

I asked support and they said this is due to lack of gui support and desktop experience.

It would be great to be able to do this


The reason that some applications do not display properly is because we are using a custom shell for backstage, and not all components can work properly in that type of environment. With that said, I have heard from a lot of partners who use a portable web browser which contains components that should work pretty well.

We have documented the limitations of Backstage here:
Backstage mode - ConnectWise

Here is some information on the Toolbox:
Shared toolbox - ConnectWise


Clipboard Sharing - Disabled but still be able to toggle

Kahle P 5 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 5 years ago 4

The new Disable Clipboard Sharing is awesome thanks! What we noticed is that this change is a permanent disable. The toggle becomes grayed out. Is it possible to have this disabled company wide but also be able to toggle it on if needed?

Pending Review

Change the name of the ConnectWiseControl.Client.exe (based on the company) when creating it.

Kevin Glowe 5 years ago 0

I work with several techs in the field and they need me to send them the install files or if we wanted to create a bunch of them so we could later remote in and copy them down to the systems. After the first download they all show ConnectWiseControl.Client.exe. ConnectWiseControl.Client.exe (1), ConnectWiseControl.Client.exe (2). 

Allow some type of variable in the FileDownload.BaseName field (Like: %Computer Group% CWControl). So it would be J.Smith CWControl.Client.exe in the downloads folder. 

Pending Review

Audit User Last-Login

darsveen 5 years ago 0

Need the ability to audit the last time users logged into Control so we can properly track and delete inactive end user accounts.