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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

In-browser control (ie without requiring client/app installation).

Mark H 4 years ago updated by anonymous (Product Marketing Manager) 4 years ago 0

It would be useful to have an in-browser control option, one that didn't require an app/client to be installed, for quick access from devices where the app/client is not installed or cannot be installed (for example Tesla's MCU screen).

Under Review

Pull Domain\user for username in chat instead of guest

Chris Paetz 4 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 4 years ago 1

We pull and save chat logs all the time, it just seems to make sense that the username should be recorded in the logs through out the conversation just like the technician name! Please add this!

Thank you!

Pending Review

Integrate LAPS (Local Administrator Password Solution) in WebUI for 'Access Agent' computers

Dominic DeFiore 4 years ago updated by NeighborGeek 2 years ago 4

We use Control across our org for primarily accessing domain joined computers, and most of the time when connecting we need to elevate via UAC. This means looking up the computer in LAPS, and copying the password.

If ConnectWise Control could have a field (like under the 'info' tab) where it could retrieve the current LAPS password from Active Directory (for logged in user that has permission) this would greatly improve our workflow.

Under Review

Speedtest tool

jrera 4 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 4 years ago 1

We have been frequently needing to run speed tests on users machines to troubleshoot issues. It would be hugely beneficial to be able to run this unattended or through the command line. 


Ability to search for users connected to a device by remote desktop

MilesM 4 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 3 years ago 1

Search by "logged in user" exists, but when the user is already connected to that machine via remote desktop, we are unable to for that user or otherwise find them. Currently, we have to right-click the machine in the list and click join with options, to see if there is an RDP session already connected, and if not, move down the list one by one

Pending Review

Can you add more theme options than Red, Blue and Green

Karama 4 years ago updated by Simon 4 years ago 3

Can you add more Theme options than Red, Blue and Green.  Can you add more options that use Dark Mode?  There are fewer Themes that use Dark mode vs Light mode.

Pending Review

Please include the Custom Properties Fields as mandatory '*' option for anyone using the Build+ package.

Sarang Prasad Barik 4 years ago updated by Rhys Comley 4 years ago 1

Please include the Custom Properties Fields as mandatory '*' option for anyone using the Build+ package.

Pending Review

Add Web connect Remote access hours of access.

Christopsnow 4 years ago updated by sheitgo 4 years ago 5 1 duplicate

Client Web connect Remote access having a hour of operation access time or limitation of how long remote access if available from the web connect access.

Pending Review

Import Bulk Users to add Two Factor Authentication option

JoshC 5 years ago 0

Would it be possible for the Import Bulk Users extension to be updated to include the option to configure 2FA for newly created users?

Under Review

Running commands on multiple machines output and while machine is off

tomer 5 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 5 years ago 1


I would like to offer 2 features.
1 the ability to run command even if the machine is offline meaning that the command will be pending until the machine will be back online and then the command will run
2 Having output from the command line in a pop-up window or something like that when running a command on multiple computers. so when running a command like uninstalling a software or something like that i will be able to know if any machine had fail to uninstall etc

Thank you.