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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Removal from Add/Remove Programs or Programs and Features

ShawnG 6 years ago 0
After the automate agent gets install the ScreenConnect shows up in Programs & Features. We would like the option to make this not show up. A general end user can go and uninstall this at anytime they want.
Under Review

ON-PREM: Notification to internal users via email about server maintenance

Leah Jennings 6 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 5 years ago 3

We are an MSP and allow our clients to use ScreenConnect as a way to access their machines. We routinely perform ScreenConnect upgrades, which disrupts our users ability to access their PCs. I'd love it if there was a way to hit a button in the Internal User store to send all users in the internal users an email. I'd use it mostly for maintenance window announcements, but it could be used to notify of upcoming 2FA implementation, forced password changes, etc. 

Under Review

Select specific users for which to auto-lock the machine

HappyEarthDay 6 years ago updated by Remco van den Noort 4 years ago 6

I am aware of the 'Selective Lock on Disconnect' plugin, and would suggest that this feature be added to it. I would like to be able to specify which users on the computers will have the computers auto-lock, otherwise do nothing. 

For example, I have a user called 'supportadmin.'  In Control's interface, I specify that I want a specific machine to Auto Lock on Disconnect, then additionally add the username(s) that it applies to.  I will add 'supportadmin' to that field.  If support admin is logged on and the session is disconnect, it locks the computer.  If any other user is logged in and the session is disconnected, it does not lock the computer. 

This will be useful for when techs forget to log out, and does not hinder any other logged on user. 


Enhance the mac chat box

Mathew Stocks 6 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 1 year ago 15

When starting a chat with a customer on a mac client, it isn't clear to the customer how to use the chat box. There is no send button, and it isn't obvious there is even a box to type in. Please can you make the mac client look more usable, and allow some kind of hint as to where the customer can type and send responses


Extension: Guest Session Starter *Usability Improvement Request*

Jonathan McKnight 6 years ago updated by YourComputerGuy 4 years ago 6

Please make the entire box, (image ref #2), clickable rather than simply the little arrow (image ref #1).

Many new clients call and report the button does not work because they do not know to click the arrow.

Image 246

Under Review

App Settings Sync Regularly

jeremy awecomm 7 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 1

I'm not sure why the app settings do not sync by default and why a reinstall/redeploy of the agent is required when all that's changing is the app.config file. It's a lot of overhead to have to follow up on this, have no insight into what endpoint have the current app.config settings and which don't, etc. Ideally we would see simple yes/no indicator of whether the settings are in sync, maybe a last sync timestamp, etc. We should be able to specify how often to re-sync, when to restart the service to apply the new settings, etc. If the new settings are not present and applied/loaded on the endpoint, we should have some way of seeing that. Many of these settings have significant security impact (like lock on disconnect, for example) so this is more of a need than a want IMO.

Under review

Support for High DPI Monitors

Brenton Nicol 7 years ago updated by kevpennymtx 6 years ago 4

Support for High DPI monitors when using multi display and having scale of the UI (for example SurfaceBook from main display to 1080 display causes UI to become oversized)

Pending Review

Windows 10 Iot

Zuchmir 7 years ago updated by Kyle Nolte 4 years ago 3 2 duplicates

Would love to see support for a client for Windows 10 Iot. This is a version of Windows 10 that runs on Iot devices such as the Raspberry Pi. The OS is essentially an RT core with .net core runtime. it allows for multiple background apps to be running but only one foreground app to run. Being that screen connect is a background process, it should be doable.

Essentially adding a "Windows RT" version should basically allow you to deploy to windows 10 Iot as well. (would require a build for arm processors)

There are currently no known remote support clients for this os other then Iot remote desktop (RDP) but it just doesn't work. Adding remote support for this platform can introduce an entire new market.


Want to Generate unique Session Name like session code.

Sarathkumar 7 years ago updated by Katarina 7 months ago 9

I Want to Generate unique Session Name like session code. Example : SE001, SE002 ... SE010 instead of Untitled Session.

Katarina 7 months ago

Hey all, we just released a new extension that might help with this! It's called the Support Session Renamer, and it assigns a randomly-generated name to a newly-created support session. It uses two lists ("prefixes" and "names") to construct the support session name. You can also enter your own word lists in the extension settings. 

Try it out and let me know what you think! We've got a bunch of ideas for adding additional features.


Improvement to chat pop-up

MrEastwood 7 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 3

There are a lot of chat pop-up improvement requests but I couldn't find one like this... See pic, clients end up staring at the chatbox screen for about 20 seconds before they start typing because THERE'S TOO MUCH GOING ON. Can you just remove the bottom half entirely? It is currently a dual-purpose pop-up and should not be. If you think we need that information, put it someplace else, ie activate it with a right-click on the taskbar icon or a separate button on the chat pop-up. It doesn't really need to be there 99.99% of the time.

Image 181

anonymous 6 years ago


You can hide the status panel if you uncheck Status under the SupportAccessGuestControlPanelIDs bitmask settings. You can find this in the app.config editor extension.