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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!


msi Package

Volker Varwig 9 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 8

Provide a msi Package for a silent installation

Under Review

Add the ability to edit notes

anonymous 9 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 3

Partners would like the ability to be able to edit existing notes.

User Story:

Partner needs to update the contents of a note on the system. Adding the ability to edit the note would prevent the user from having to delete/copy an existing note.

edit note notes

Blank the remote screen on access

Rob Battaglia 9 years ago updated by Sherry 7 months ago 3

It would be great to be able to set an admin option that would blank the Access session once you connect. This way the remote screen would automatically show that it is in a remote session. I connect to customer servers and don't really want a user to walk by the server and seem someone logging in and get concerned. If the remote screen blank message would show up right away I would not have to remember to do it each time I log into a customer server.



anonymous 8 years ago

Hello Rob,

In 6.0 the administrator can automatically enable blank guest monitor on connection by editing the web.config file. For more information on 6.0 click here.


Exit Session Notification

FAB-ITRescue 9 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 3

Provide Customisable (Brandable) Splash Screen at end or exit of Remote Support session.

I keep a couple of RS Sessions published for ad-hoc use when a new customer calls. I leave these sessions in place when the session has finished (Exit Session not End) ready for the next time. I would like a splash notification to appear on the client's screen to indicate the end of the support session and to reinforce my Brand. This could have a variable display time or even require the end user to click a button to close. Further it could contain selected details or a summary of the activity log, or even contemporaneous notes from the host.

I requested this (in principal) on forum.screenconnect.com and it seemed to be reasonably well received. It was even acknowledged for consideration, but I post it here on this forum just in case it's been forgotten or you don't bother looking at the old forum anymore. . .


Add Auto-upgrade ScreenConnect option

Administrator 9 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 1

Partner would like an option to auto update server version.

User Story:

Partner would like the option to have server versions automatically install when a new version is available.

This should be a configurable option that can be enabled or disabled from the Administration page.

server auto automatically upgrade
Under Review

Add the ability for the guest to share steps to reproduce issues through client

Mike Bannerman 9 years ago updated by Alex Heylin 8 years ago 9

Partner request is for a tool or option in the guest client that allows guests who are joined to a session to record video, send screenshots, and/or record audio to help send steps to reproduce to technicians through the chat window. This would be used if a problem occurs after hours or when no tech is available to easily document problems

1. Have to be able to store info and display the information on the host page, in the chat menu (as proposed)
2. Chat would need to be modified to accept these file types
3. Feature set should be available through the API
4. Ability to take screen captures or video recordings and audio with each from the guest client.

guest_client record audio steps_to_reproduce video

Add a Password description so users know the requirements

Administrator 9 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 9 months ago 17

Add a password description which states complexity requirements.

User Story:

If a partner attempts to change a password and the administrator has set up any of the following, it would be beneficial to display the requirements to the partner.


notification password
Pending Review

Hide notes tab via permissions

tlinville 7 months ago 0

There should be a permissions option for roles to disable viewing the Notes tab, we have engineers that have mistakenly left information in these tabs that Remote Workforce End-Users should not see, it would be nice if we could just turn off their access to the notes section entirely.

Pending Review

Lock on Disconnect only for specified host sessions

cmaheu 8 months ago 0

Use case: If I'm connected to a kiosk user session that doesn't have a password, the Lock on Disconnect should not lock the user session. I want the avoid the user needing to use the Windows lockscreen "sign in" to the kiosk session. If I am connected to an admin session however, Lock on Disconnect should lock the session as usual.

To make this possible, either of the following mentionned ways can help with my use-case:

1. Allow specifying host sessions for which to enable the Lock on Disconnect feature (or the other way around). <- my prefered implementation.

2. Allow option for enabling Lock on Disconnect only for sessions with admin rights.

3. Allow option for disabling Lock on Disconnect for sessions without a password (or make this the default behaviour?)

4. Allow option for disabling Lock on Disconnect for Windows Kiosk sessions.

Currently, the only way to achieve a similar behaviour is to use Selective Lock on Disconnect plugin and manually tag a machine before connecting to a Windows session that should get locked on disconnect. This is prone to human error and not viable for my team.

Pending Review

Connectwise Control: Disable Guest Preview

FQ-Connectwise 12 months ago updated by PaulB 8 months ago 14


We have Connectwise Control deployed out to all of our endpoints, and on the Mac side of things, we are upgrading to macOS Sonoma. Our users have begun seeing menubar notifications stating that 'Connectwise Control is capturing your screen', despite there being no active session. This is a new macOS Sonoma functionality, and this is happening because the Connectwise Agent captures a 'Guest Preview' periodically, which prompts this notification to the end-user.

Image 1206

Many of our users work with confidential information, so them seeing such a notification is becoming concerning for them. I wanted to see what options we have to disable this 'Guest Preview' functionality, as we do not need the guest preview functionality.

Currently in the Connectwise admin settings, I only see the ability to reduce the quality of the snapshot taken, but no means to disable it altogether. The end goal here is to disable this functional entirely so that our users do not receive this notification in their menubar.

Please let me know if there's anything we can do in the meantime to prevent this notification to end-users. 

