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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review


Christian Malcolm 8 months ago 0

A significant amount of time is lost every day with logging in. Would be great if ConnectWise could implement passkeys to speed up access to services

    Pending Review

    Ability to audit administrative level changes. For example, changes to the MFA "trust this device" setting.

    hbleemel 8 months ago 0

    Currently there is no ability to audit or get reports on changes to admin level settings. This would be okay if only one person has admin access. However, a company like ours has multiple people with that role. Knowing who made changes to our settings is critical from a security standpoint. We recently had the setting "trust this device" changed and we have know what to know who made the change.

    Pending Review

    Silent Installation Flag for EXE Installer

    JJJacob 10 months ago 0

    Our security software (ThreatLocker) does not like the MSI installer for ScreenConnect, and because it is both unsigned and a random name, it's impossible to create a rule to allow it. The EXE installer is signed, which would make it possible to create a rule. However, there are no parameters for the installer--it must be completed with someone at the computer. Being able to silently install ScreenConnect would be very helpful.

    Pending Review

    Audit log captures proxy IP address

    Tyler 10 months ago updated by CJTC 10 months ago 2

    Recently I tried locking down my server to a few trusted IP addresses. I was able to find the setting for this using the Advanced Configuration Editor extension but after setting it I was locked out. I reverted my virtual machine back and took a closer look at the Audit log and found that CW Control is capturing the IP address of my proxy server instead of the IP address of my system that is connecting through the reverse proxy. That's why I was locked out when I set the trusted IP addresses earlier.

    I have dealt with this in the past for other servers I run. For example, if the server is utilizing NGINX I know adding the something like these lines in the virtual host file will allow the real IP address to flow through from the reverse proxy:

    set_real_ip_from ;

    real_ip_header X-Forwarded-For;

    I haven't been able to find a setting similar to this in the Admin tab or through any extensions. It would be great if the equivalent options would be added to CW Control.

    Pending Review

    stop end user from uninstalling the client

    Baz 10 months ago 0

    Ability to stop the client host from uninstalling or end tasking the screen connect software.
    This is a real pain when the end user removes or stops the process from running, 

    It then stops you connecting especially when its unattended.

    Pending Review

    Make 'Refuse control' default

    MWalters 11 months ago 0

    Could you implement a way to make the "Refuse control" button the default instead of "Consent to Control"?  I believe denying remote access to a remote system should be the default from a security standpoint.  For example, if the remote party is typing and the consent box pops up on their screen all it takes is a spacebar or Enter key to grant that consent accidentally.

    Thank you!

    Pending Review

    The ability to customize columns within Devices > Computers

    Brandon F 11 months ago updated by Chase J 10 months ago 1

    Currently there is no option to change anything about the columns including their individual widths, which ones are displayed, and what order are they are displayed in. The user column is so narrow you can't read the names, and half of the columns displayed are either blank or don't show any relevant information, while other columns like "IP address" are hiding on a different page. One way to implement this might be to create a new column after BDR that's an individual user's column that they can customize it how they see fit. At least create a feature to let us expand the width of columns. 

    Image 1209

    Difference between this and Kaseya's column features, which are highly customizable and give you 30+ options to choose from.

    Image 1211

    This is what my "BDR" column looks like. 

    Image 1212

    Pending Review

    Backstage File Explorer

    Chase 11 months ago updated 11 months ago 1

    Are you able to create a set like how NinjaOne RMM can provide access to a backstage File Explorer so you can send and download files off the remote computer without the user disruption, is this possible with your tool?

    Pending Review

    remote session host client

    Woods83 12 months ago 0

    We are using the app to allow another department to manage the digital displays in our lobby.  They don't have admin rights and therefore can't update the application on their machine and we also have to do the initial connection for them.  I'd like to be able to push this update to them so that they don't need admin rights.

    Pending Review

    Windows settings in backstage

    cvolpe 12 months ago updated by zebs 12 months ago 1

    While backstage is a limited environment, would it be possible for us to have access to windows settings? I would strongly benefit from having access to the updates tab in particular through backstage.